Chapter 52

I shook my head. "I didn't. I had the right to a lawyer. I went to Frank's place to help him out with some chores and I went to Leviathan the Ride afterwards during the grand opening."

"It took you that long?"

"I called several times, I called Mort and your other friends...Now I remember, Mort said you went to baseball practice that night then you went to a bar??? Your other friends had no idea where you were, how could you?

"Because I'd scold you? The hell I will, you're irresponsible, I called you for god knows how long and you weren't picking. Beck risked his life just to look for you and he got hurt. I looked everywhere. Then the news came up after these creatures hurt people. This is exactly why I ask after all of you all the time. How did you get tangled up with Petra? Tell me! How?"

"I was at the wrong place at the wrong time." I sniffed. That had a double meaning to it. I was afraid that either the Morphians or Klozars would have my hide.

"I'm not saying that you killed Petra
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