Hiatus announcement!!
Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with a heavy heart and a twinge of disappointment that I write to you today. As an author, I have always strived to provide you with captivating stories that transport you to different worlds, allowing your imaginations to soar and your hearts to race with excitement. However, circumstances beyond my control have led me to make a difficult decision.

As many of you know, life often throws unexpected challenges our way. In my case, it is the relentless demands of academia that have temporarily placed a halt on my writing journey. Yes, my dear readers, the culprit is none other than the formidable beast we call "school."

Over the past few months, I have been engrossed in my studies, dedicating countless hours to books, lectures, and exams. The pursuit of knowledge has become my primary focus, as I strive to expand my intellectual horizons and broaden my understanding of the world. In doing so, however, I ha
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