8 Task one...

[Task of the day]

[Help the host with the daily routines ]

[System soul has to hide its identity, completing the task which will enhance the time of acquiring the host]

That announcement was pinged, Era looked around if anyone else heard it but she realized that they didn't hear it, it was audible to her only.

After getting in, it was her task, she took the file of the patient, checked the IV, asked the patient if he was fine, and wrote down the report instantly, it was the routine that has to be followed.

David was gaping at her in disbelief, as Eva was not that active in doing those jobs.

She looked at him, thinking if she did anything wrong.

She then handed over the report to him and stood beside him, calmly.

{Task completed}

{Reward Points Granted}

These system notifications were just audible to her, so it was fine even when she was with David, or anyone else. She was happy that she completed her first task successfully.

When he checked the report, he was amazed to see such neat
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