Chapter 1435
Even with a weapon in Sylvia's hand, she couldn't kill him!

Bryce glared at the distributors. "Damn it! If it wasn't her, who else could have killed him? Give me back my son's life!"

With that, he lunged at Sylvia.

Eric wouldn't let him succeed. As Bryce moved, Eric stepped forward and threw a punch at him.

A loud explosion echoed, and Bryce staggered back several steps. His eyes regained some calmness, even showing a hint of surprise. He was a legend, yet he was shaken back by just one punch from Eric?


Eric looked to be in his 30s at most. Being a legend at this age? It was ridiculous!

"Mr. Pentra!" Eric's expression was icy. "Your son is dead, and we all mourn for him, but my wife is not a killer!"


Bryce and Martha were bewildered!

All along, they had thought Sylvia had climbed up using her body. Yet, she turned out to be Eric's wife?!

While Bryce was still in a daze, Eric continued. "Mr. Pentra, there seems to be something suspicious about this matter. T
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