Like the night, this too shall pass

As the speed of his thrusting increased, Mae’s moans increased in pitch too.

And that— that was bad.

Avery shifted and murmured in his sleep which made Danny freeze in shock, his hands dropping Mae’s leg and cupping her mouth to shield the sounds from escaping further.

He suddenly found his own tongue and courage to shush her.

“You are going to get us in trouble!” He whispered sternly.

To his greatest dismay, Mae was so indifferent about Avery finding out.

“If he wakes up, we’d have a threesome, Danny. It's no biggie.” She shrugged.

What in the dirty apocalypse world was she saying?

He almost lost his erection at that. Imagine a man who was having his first ever proper sex and the lady starts suggesting a threesome!

He’d almost choke at the air in his throat.

“What the fuck are you saying?!” He whispered back, his balls dangling along with his vibrating body.

Mae, standing in all nakedness and her sexy body taking its superpower toll on Danny caused him to swallow hard and his dick r
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