In the immediate aftermath of Alex's downfall, the atmosphere of the VIP lounge was electric with tension and disbelief.

The silence that enveloped the room was broken only by the soft groans of Alex as he tried to comprehend the humiliation he had just endured.

Among the onlookers, a storm was brewing within Danny. His face, a mask of rage, was a clear indicator that he was not about to let the affront to his friend go unavenged.

With the reckless abandon of a man consumed by fury, Danny grabbed a nearby bottle of champagne.

The expensive liquid sloshed around, forgotten, as he wielded the bottle like a weapon, his eyes locked on Romeo with malicious intent.

The crowd, sensing another confrontation, backed away, their eyes wide with anticipation and fear.

Danny's approach was not silent — his footsteps, heavy with anger, echoed ominously across the floor.

He raised the bottle high, aiming to bring it crashing down upon Romeo's head in a blow that promised to be as dramatic as it
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