Chapter 244: Big Feast + Detective Lauren
Logan wandered through the expansive halls of the grand estate, marveling at its sheer magnificence. She couldn't help but be captivated by the intricate architectural details, the towering ceilings, and the glimpses of opulence that adorned every corner. Logan's steps echoed softly, her curiosity guiding her through.

As Logan continued to explore the surroundings, taking in the opulence of the magnificent estate, a maid approached her with a friendly smile.

"Hello, miss," the maid greeted. "Master Storm has requested your presence in the dining hall."

Logan's curiosity piqued, and she nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you. Can you please guide me to the dining hall?" She asked, her voice filled with a hint of excitement.

The maid nodded graciously. "Of course, please follow me," she replied, turning to lead the way. Logan fell in step behind the maid, her gaze darting from one exquisite detail to another as they traversed through the sprawling corridors.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Garcia en
Dragon Sly

Imagine Having A Billionaire Rich Mom 🤣

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