Chapter 8

Kai dashed into the woods, fixating on a fallen priest near a log. Lifeless eyes stared at spilling blood, and blood symbols adorned stones nearby.

Beside the priest, the Lady knelt, frantically searching his pockets. "Where is it!?" she shouted, delivering a sharp slap.

"What are you looking for?" Kai asked, stepping closer. Surprise filled her expression, replaced by a smile. "Thank the stars, you saved me from my cursed father and his minions! Call me Annalise," she exclaimed.

"Saved you from them? You're with Lothar, right?" Kai inquired. Approaching pretty ladies had been a fantasy countless times, but he never expected his first words to be these.

"No! No, I was but a slave to my father," she said, her face contorting in rage. Smiling down at the mangled corpse, she added, "Now he's gone, and I am free. But we mustn't waste time! Dreath, a monster from another world, lurks nearby." She pointed at a Titan Language blood symbol on a nearby rock.

Kai glimpsed Ryu chasing and hacking priests in the grassy field. "Perhaps with the help of good people, I may find the light of this world again." Lady Annalise extended a hand. "Quickly, gather your friends and follow me!"

Witnessing her strike down a unicorn with dark magic, Kai had a plan, "Forget the others; let's bolt together! Show me the way to safety!" he exclaimed. Lady Annalise, flashing a huge smile, turned to lead him. Hearing him rush up behind her, she turned to face him, snarling, "In Lothar's name, I..."

He interrupted her spell with a stab just above her collarbone. She spouted blood, and he continued stabbing until she lay motionless. A grisly and sad ending for them, he thought, looking down at Lady Annalise. Of course, there had never been a 'them,' but his dreams were real enough. Sighing, he wondered what she had been seeking from her father.

Ryu ran up, breathing hard. "The priests mean to regroup. I hear them calling for each other in the woods. We best move on." Looking down at the priestess, Ryu asked, "Is that-"

"Yes, it is she," Kai replied. "We may need a drink tonight," Ryu said. Kai nodded and pointed to Elena, now running around the grassy hill, crying and tripping in a panic.

"Woah," Ryu shook his head. "Only moments ago, she was dashing about this field wielding that dagger of mine like a bloodthirsty assassin. Now who is she? Is this the way of women?" Kai shrugged and jogged onto the grass. Taking Elena's wrist to calm her, Ryu announced he would search a few bodies before fleeing. "No use letting vultures swallow our treasure," he said cheerfully.

Kai warned, "It's not safe to stay in the open. We mustn't dally," ignoring Elena's attempts to pull away.

The unicorn stood up, its legs shaking and eyes bulging. "NO! Not this!" it bellowed, then screamed triumphantly, "This world is mine!"

As it charged towards the granite slab, bashing its head, Kai heard the horn snap with a crack. Blood spattered the white rock as the creature battered its skull. "Gods! Why? No!" Ryu stammered. Elena screamed with renewed vigor. After self-mutilation, the unicorn, with its scared stub of a horn, turned and charged down the hill. All three shouted as they ran. In the woods, Kai looked back to see the unicorn thrashing on the grass, screeching in an unearthly tone.

"Evil magic," Ryu said. Kai, realizing the magic was beyond his understanding, motioned for the others to follow. "We've pressed good fortune long enough. Let's head to the town and the company of good people."

Kai, Ryu, and Elena set off toward Ring City, the only place they could call home. They were grateful to have some company for the lengthy walk. The two men had long since exhausted their trove of stories and could nearly predict what each other would say. Elena, on the other hand, was full of stories of faraway places, creatures, and magic they'd never heard of before. A merchant's daughter must really get around! As it turned out, Elena's family had recently moved to Ring City, and her brother John tended the candle shop there; nevertheless, she bombarded them with questions about their world.

The group, now in Ring city, decided to gather information at the Adventurers' Guide. The streets were lit with magical lanterns, casting a warm glow on the cobblestone paths. As they approached the guide, its wooden sign creaked in the evening breeze.

Entering the bustling establishment, the aroma of hearty stews and the lively chatter of adventurers filled the air. A middle-aged woman with a friendly smile welcomed them.

"Welcome to the Adventurers' Guide! Looking for a room or information?" she asked.

"Information first," Ryu replied. "We're new in town and could use some guidance."

"Ah, newcomers! Always an exciting sight," the woman exclaimed. "Feel free to ask around, mingle with other adventurers. But be warned, Eldoria has its quirks."

The group nodded, exchanging glances. After absorbing information about the town layout, local quests, and notable landmarks, they decided it was time for a celebration.

Elena suggested, "Why not have a few drinks? We've earned it!"

Heading to the tavern section of the guide, they found a lively atmosphere. The smell of ale and the sound of laughter enveloped them as they settled into a corner booth.

Kai raised his glass, "To new beginnings and exciting adventures!"

The clink of glasses echoed as they indulged in the local brew. Feniggan, overhearing a nearby conversation, leaned in and said, "Did you hear about the haunted ruins on the outskirts? Some claim there's treasure buried there."

Elena's eyes gleamed, "Treasure, you say? That sounds like our kind of adventure!"

As they delved into discussions about potential quests and shared stories from their recent encounter with the priests, the night wore on. The Adventurers' Guide buzzed with camaraderie.

Ryu, leaning back in his chair, remarked, "I heard there's a renowned blacksmith in Eldoria. Perhaps we should visit tomorrow to upgrade our gear."

Kai added, "And don't forget about the mage academy. I'd like to expand my magical knowledge."

Gareth, raising his glass, proposed a toast, "To Titans mmorpg and, a town filled with opportunities and mysteries!"

They continued to revel, bonding over their shared goals and the promise of exciting adventures in the days to come. The night echoed with laughter, and as the town slept, the group of adventurers found solace in each other's company.


When Kai regained awareness, he found himself standing over a bed, desperately shouting, "NO! Ryu, you can't die. Please!" His hands pressed down on Ryu's neck, attempting to stem the flow of blood. Despite his efforts, Ryu lay deathly still on the blood-soaked bed, and there was no pulse. "BRO, NO!" Kai screamed, running out of the room. The hallway of the Inn greeted him as he shouted for help, looking back at Ryu with desperation.

In the hallway, he noticed bloody finger-painting on the wall around Ryu, runes in Titan language that seemed to be part of a spell designed to harvest power from a soul. Helplessly, Kai watched as footsteps approached from behind. Turning, he saw a city guard and an old man approaching. "Seize that one!" the old man croaked, pointing accusingly at Kai. "He is the murderer!"

To be continued...

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