Hell wolf

23 ratings

Hell wolf

By: Abdullah Tijani OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 15 views: 920

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In the wake of the appearance of the Demon Wolf, the supernatural realm plunges into chaos. A prophecy emerges, stating that the regime of the Demon Wolf would come to an end upon the arrival of the Hell Wolf, who would usher in a new era. Everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of their supposed savior, the Hell Wolf, but their expectations are shattered when the creature fails to appear. Meanwhile, the werewolves suffer the most, nearly wiped out by the Demon Wolf's onslaught due to the prophecy. As despair engulfs all, a glimmer of hope emerges when the Hell Wolf suddenly manifests. However, nobody could have anticipated that the Hell Wolf is, in fact, a female. Join Emily on a journey as we delve into her life as an ordinary human residing in the human realm. Unaware of her origin and destiny, Emily stumbles upon her true purpose. How does she become aware of her destiny, and once she learns of it, what actions will she take?

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  • Debbie chocolate


    Fascinating! More updates please

    2022-12-06 12:08:25
  • Tony Hallows


    Great title, great storyline.

    2022-12-08 07:25:55
  • Lurd_nazzy


    the book is really good... can't wait for more...️

    2022-12-08 00:46:55
  • Destell


    I think i love this book already, update more please

    2022-12-07 16:11:00
  • Red butterfly


    You should give us more,it looks promising

    2022-12-07 12:53:29
  • Faith Adore


    The beginning looks promising. More updates please.

    2022-12-07 00:35:50
  • Gammawrites


    Wow! this is great.

    2022-12-06 23:33:34
  • Isaiah Okenyi


    Great outline and a very catchy story indeed

    2022-12-06 20:02:22
  • Aanu


    This is a 100%

    2022-12-06 18:46:27
  • Cephano Bliss


    I wish everyone read this and know why I rate 100

    2022-12-06 02:58:45
  • Rose Sam


    Waiting to see more of the story, interesting.

    2022-12-06 00:32:00
  • Faith Osanife


    Intriguing plot. I'm definitely interested in reading it

    2022-12-05 20:09:08
  • Mystic_writes


    A good story...I love it

    2022-12-05 18:57:04
  • Zelda Blair


    Nice plot, keep it up

    2022-12-05 18:54:32
  • Maymay Marie


    A nice one!

    2022-12-05 18:13:33
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Latest Chapter
15 chapters
"Save us! Someone, please save us," some voices shouted as they were being pulled away bonded in chains by a huge brown wolf with two huge horns and a pair of black wings.There was a forest near the place where the voices sounded, birds were chirping happily in the forest making it lively, it was as if the birds could not hear the sounds of people screaming nor could they see the wolf dragging the people in chains, which would scare a lot of people, suddenly the leaves in it rusted, the trees swayed and the birds stopped chirping, the atmosphere became hot, slowly it became unbearable, unbearable for anything to survive in it, the trees caught fire cause of the temperature, and the birds were instantly burned to ashes before they could attempt to fly away.Everything burnt to ashes in the blink of an eye, if the ground was able to burn it would have also caught fire, the once green lively forest had now become a barren land burnt to ashes, nothing living in it was able to escape all
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Strange voice
Going to the class dejectedly, Emily opened the door, sighing sadly.What she met with in the class was out of her expectations, inside the class, there was a cake with eighteen candles, it was on her sit, there was also a huge caption reading "Happy eighteenth birthday Emily," there were also decorations in the class, most of it were wishing her a happy birthday and long life.This gave Emily a great surprise, she had not expected this, but where was everyone, they had given her a huge surprise but they were nowhere to be found, she had to thank them for this, she felt guilty when she thought about what she was thinking about her friends earlier.As she was thinking about this, the door to the classroom opened, her classmates entered together singing her a birthday song, although the door to the classroom was small and narrow they were still able to enter in an orderly manner, singing a birthday song to Emily, she stood rotted to the spot not knowing what she should do, this had far
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Supernatural realm
But this was wrong, Emily wasn’t teleported anywhere, what she didn’t know was that she was currently in her consciousness.“Emily, Emily,” she heard the voice again.Immediately, she spun around, but it was just the trees and the birds, where was this voice calling from? She asked herself.“Emily, Emily,” she heard it again.Quickly she spun around again but there was nothing, this time, she was enveloped in fear, sweating and shivering slightly.Gathering up her courage, ”who are you? why do you keep calling me? show yourself,” she called out to the void, expecting an answer.Unfortunately for her, she got no reply, everywhere was just too silent.“Emily, Emily, you can’t run away from your destiny, you’ll have to face me someday, you know,” the voice called out again.This time, Emily heard the voice right behind her, it was so close that she could feel the hot breath of breathing of the voice in her neck which made her shiver, slowly she turned around only to find it was empty.Se
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In the cloud region of the supernatural realm, this place wasn't just called the cloud region, the place was covered in cloud and almost impossible for anyone to enter as they please, only a very strong person would be able to pass through the cloud without losing the sense of direction.In the cloud region, there was a magnificent building in the center of the city, in front of the building sat Lucy.She was sitting cross-legged inside a circle with twelve lit candles around the circle, the wind blew gently swaying the fire on the candles.Behind Lucy, stood three motionless figures clad in black, it was as if they were not there cause they blended well with the surroundings."Once I open the portal, you should go right in, it would take you to the human realm," Lucy said in a rather cold voice.The figures nodded in understanding, Lucy closed her eyes as she started chanting inaudible words, the circle suddenly lit up and the candles became brighter, with her continuous chanting, th
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New classmates
The day was was eventful for Emily as she went out with her friends to a lot of places, none of them talked about the incident, which made her feel relieved a lot cause she didn't have any explanation for it if they asked.Soon it was nighttime as the day ended, bidding her friends' goodbye Emily went home in high spirits.That night, Emily lay on the bed tossing and turning, she was very tired but she couldn't sleep, she felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at her from the dark watching her closely which send a shiver down her spine and made her very uncomfortable.---In the woods, inside the mansion, Rachel was still where she sat chanting, the strange phenomenon happening around her was still happening, she had been in this state for a whole day which made her feel drained, but during the period, information about the realm they were had been pouring into her head gently like a flowing stream, she used her spiritual sense to search for the hell wolf, all she could sense was that
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Exploring The Strange Place
This was the second time she was here. The first was at the party and now in the class. "Welcome!," A voice boomed, scaring the hell out of Emily as she looked around the place. Just like before, it was just the blood red moon hanging low, and the trees, then birds chirping happily seemingly not to have noticed her presence. Emily looked around, surveying her surroundings. She was unsure if she should take the first step, after all, she didn't know how dangerous this place was but she had to find out where she was. Gritting her teeth, Emily slowly took a step. She was afraid she would be stuck in a spot just like the first time. Even though the strange voice she heard scared the daylight out of her, she could sense there was no malice in the voice and thus was confident that nothing would happen to her. Stabilizing her trembling body and breathing, Emily inhaled heavily as she took the next step. Soon Emily was moving slowly amongst the trees, walking slowly and making sure she
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(A MONTH LATER)It had been a month since Rachel and the two boys entered Emily's school and became friends with Emily and her friends.Even though Rachel didn't stop her search for the hell wolf, she was unable to find the destined person.All she knew was she was near the hell wolf, but she knew not who the host was and why the person was able to hide so perfectly.Also during a month, they had gotten close significantly Emily and her friends would hang out sometimes together.The Harbingers whom the Demon Wolf had sent to the human realm were also unable to find the hell wolf.They had tried all sorts of methods but they weren't able to get the host to leave them in despair.They couldn't disappoint their lord as the time limit was getting closer and closer.A strong wind blew in the woods swaying all the trees. The night was silent and there was no moon in the sky.Even the stars hid behind the clouds as if something would happen if they stayed any longer.The night was chilly and
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Into The Woods
"I don't think it's a good idea," Rachel sighed as she looked at the four who were staring at her."I agree, it's pretty dangerous for you guys to head there," Damien chipped in."Why do you think it's a bad idea?" Emily frowned as she stared at Rachel.She felt something was off but couldn't pinpoint what it was. Even though it was only her instinct she still felt that the three were hiding something from them.Perhaps they knew something about the Killings.Rachel sighed in defeat when she saw Emily's gaze. Amongst the four gazes, it was only Emily's gaze that made her feel uncomfortable.It was as if she was unable to hide anything in front of Emily. Even though it was only an intuition Rachel dared not to be careless.Rachel shrugged her shoulders as she decided not to say anything because she knew she would be unable to convince them not to go."I get it now," James said suddenly as he clapped his hands while glancing at Rachel and the others."You guys are unwilling to go as you
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Chapter 9
It was all their imagination, no one was there to pounce on them. The preparator of the incident had left a long time ago.Getting to the body, the four observed the skinny bodies on the floor while shivering slightly.Their hearts trembled, they had never witnessed something like this."What do you think we should do?" Emily sighed, breaking the silence, she was the first to recover.The three were drawn back to reality when they heard Emily's words.They knew they couldn't leave the bodies out in the wild, nor could they call the police, they would be implicated."I think we should go back first." James sighed.Anne and Natasha nodded in agreement and the four headed back to Emily's house.*****That night after sending her friends off, Emily was unable to sleep. Her mind kept reflecting on what she had seen.She tossed and turned trying her best to forget what she saw and heard but it was somewhat impossible.She could still hear the screams piercing into her ears. The screams were
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Chapter 10
In no time Rachel's group arrived at a and stared into the distance.Not far from them was a purple vortex that was swirling and getting bigger with each second."This energy seems so familiar yet, it's strange." Rachel muttered observing the vortex.She had a premonition that something was about to happen.Soon the vortex stopped expanding and started to open up slowly."A portal!" Rachel gasped in shock.She knew where the portal was coming from as no one, but that woman was able to open a portal without receiving the approval of the demon lord.Damian and Jason's expressions were no better as they understood what was going on."What could they be planning?" Rachel muttered, looking at the portal with interest.She knew whatever the demon lord was planning to send was going to be more destructive than the harbingers, after all, he couldn't come to the human realm to solve such a small issue.Soon enough, strange creatures with two heads and arms started to emerge from the vortex.At
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