"Finally, we're getting somewhere," Carly muttered.

"Don't jinx it," Justin scolded.

"I won't. I was just excited."

"Well, don't be. I don't think we want to be finding something here," he said. Cameron silently agreed.


"Just hush," he put his index finger over his mouth in the universal 'hush' motion. "I can feel it. We're almost there."

Madison nodded that she could feel it too. She wrapped her hand in Cameron's and squeezed. Her hand was clammy, presumably from anxiety. Cameron normally would've been disgusted, but he didn't mind because it was her. She could wipe it on his face, and he wouldn't mind. Well, that's a lie. He probably would have, but he wouldn't have gotten as upset as if it had come from someone else.

The room expanded and lightened even more. Cameron froze. He'd been here before--the cavelike room with the overarching holographic stars and the enormously-hot room. He knew something felt familiar, and now it was overwhelming. He'd been here before.

"Stop," h
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