Chapter 132

Thinking of a plan, he meets up with an assisnator and paid massively.

the next day,

Eva tried to talk her out of it but she got into a heated argument and Eva angrily left the house.

Emily was with Josh but she has shooting to do that day, it was more of a nature type of shot. she got ready and Left. on her way, her car stopped working and just then she was kidnapped, she tried to fight them off, but it was not easy. abs she fell unconscious

Emily was being waited for, her personal Assistance called but it wasn't going through, and soon she began to worry immediately as it was already getting late and the creww was already packing up as the shjot was a day time type of shoot.

Emily woke up all tired up, and beaten up, she was scared and begged to be rescued nobody came, she saw Morgan who hurt her, she was crying deeply

Emily person assistance pulled up at Josh house, And told Josh for the passed hour they have been looking for Emily, she thinks something bad has happened to he
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