Chapter 26

“Boss, I heard that fish was sentenced to death, I don't have to do the job again, right?” Nash approached Chun Li in the flight of stairs when he was going downstairs to have a cigarette.

“What? Come here,” his voice was deep and smoky.

Nash fidgeted but he knew better not to waste time, so he drew closer to Chun Li.

“Do you know that all deaths are not the same? There is different pain for each death and there are levels to these pains,” he puffed smoke into the air.

“Now, when he dies through legal execution, he dies peacefully with the Lord, because men who serve God will pray and have him to repent before execution. But when he dies by the blade of this dagger, he dies with his sins and the blood of an innocent man,” Chun Li explained with all seriousness.

He pinched Nash on the cheek making him contour his face in pain.

“Do you see the difference now?” he asked.

“Ye-ye-yes!” Nash cried.

“And if you really want to join my gang, this is your assignment. I believe you know what hap
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