
Although Regin did not know what Levi meant when he said he felt strange, he complied and let Rafael take over once more. At that moment, Rafael was angry at him and felt like expelling him from his body as he had made him look like nothing but a fool in the face of everyone. Imagine charging without caution at a teacher of the academy. Who in the academy wouldn't know henceforth that he attempted to fight a staff who already ranked interm Even when he was not strong enough to challenge anybody higher than him. Regin was really skilled in fighting but to a man who was many times stronger than he was, he was nothing but a piece of waste .

"Thank you." He appreciated Levi for stopping Regin though he fully knew Levi would not understand the true reasons why he appreciated him.

While everyone else's badges gleamed and seemed to shine more as it displayed another ranking just below the former and bolder one which displayed his ranking in the academy. His own did it bother to light up.

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