292 not time for dinner

Because, it's not him who wants to watch TV, it's the person in front of him.

The man in front of him was, it seemed, somewhat bony, his hair a back up front, the entire front half bald.

The man looked, a little thin, and he was so big that Makin sat next to him, some, with a wicked smirk on his face.

This one, on the other hand, was watching the game between Bruce and Ho Jin on TV, and it was live.

The man's name was Menin Black, and yes, he was the Warden.

Bruce's fight was fast, he jumped and ran for some time, but not for long, and soon he was hitting Tiger with all his might, one throwing punch, hard, knock Ho Jin down!

"The grass!" Menin Black let out a cry and suddenly stood up, his movements so large that the man with the hair in front of him coughed uncontrollably, but it was more than that, Menin Black grabbed his head, even the hair oh, the wig had

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