Chapter 145 Black-cat Witch

It looked like the black cat's sharp claws loomed closer to Tolly's body. His heart was racing, but he didn't lose his composure. In a flash, he executed the Shadowy Lotus Move, saving Princess Yana from the cat's attack just in the nick of time.

The black cat was stunned, its voice shaking with disbelief.

"How do you know the Shadowy Lotus Move? It's an ancient art that has been lost for over a thousand years. Who are you?" it demanded.

Tolly's lips curled into a sneer. He

"My name is not something I care to share with a beast like you," retorted Tolly, his lips curling into a sneer, still holding the Princess in his arms. But as he caught a whiff of her alluring scent, it quickly turned him on. He had to put her down to avoid any embarrassment.

"Go hide behind the statue," Tolly whispered to Princess Yana, his eyes locked on the witch in front of him. "I'll deal with this monster."

“Hey, I’m not a monster,” said the cat in a furious voice. Instantly, the black’s anger boil ov
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