The grandeur of St. Raphael's Cathedral, bedecked in cascading blooms and golden accents, was poised to bear witness to a union that echoed through the echelons of power and love. As the wedding bells resonated in harmony, guests from elite circles, powerful leaders, and influential business figures gathered in anticipation.

Lyon, donned in a bespoke black tuxedo that accentuated the regality befitting his Norman lineage, stood at the altar, a portrait of quiet confidence. By his side, Scarlett, a vision in a flowing ivory gown that cascaded like a waterfall of dreams, radiated an ethereal glow.

The church, a testament to timeless love stories, cradled the hush of anticipation. Mr. Mavin Norman, the patriarch whose journey had traversed the realms of despair and redemption, looked upon his son with a pride that transcended societal expectations.

As the ceremony commenced, the resonant voice of the minister painted the air with promises and devotion. Lyon and Scarlett exchanged vows, t
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