Legitimate Heir

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Legitimate Heir

By: NelsonDGreat OngoingBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 32 views: 514

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The main character Lyon was a normal boy who enjoyed the warmth of his mother for years until she died an unexpected death. Lyon didn't knew anyone in his life as a family except his mother so after her death,he became a broken mess but rather than letting this stop him,at only fifteen,he started looking for all means to continue his education and one if not his only dream was to become a successful person one day and he knew he could only achieve this through hard work.

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    am expecting more chapters.......

    2024-05-29 20:22:17
  • Abib T. Dami


    great plot twist

    2024-05-25 09:11:40
  • Dora Leo


    Very surprising story, I did not expect that plot twist.

    2024-04-30 01:18:54
  • NelsonDGreat


    interesting story

    2024-04-11 00:26:45
  • NelsonDGreat



    2024-04-11 00:26:15
Latest Chapter
32 chapters
"How can you buy such a cheap thing for me? Do you think I'm so cheap or am I not worth anything expensive"she yelled loudly,with a face clearly playing the victim.Her sad look and yelling quickly got a lot of attention from the people in the cafeteria."You always buy cheap and common things for me,are you so lazy and poor?" She frowned."But I got it with a big heart "Lyon said "what's the use of a big heart if you are lazy and don't even treat me well? Buying only cheap things and treating me like a cheap person, "she said.She proceeds to bring out the necklace which looks almost rusty and make sure people see it.Many people were now staring at them and we're laughing, especially at him,he felt so embarrassed.No matter how he tried to calm his girlfriend down,she just wouldn't budge and said all sorts of things. He felt so humiliated and people's mockery added to his humiliation.As if that was not enough,she threw the necklace at him and added a few insults to it, saying he mu
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After he left the cafeteria, he was at a loss,he couldn't stop thinking about his girlfriend or ex girlfriend.He was supposed to go to the bar where he works and decided to walk since it's not that late yet,and taking the cab is already out of the plan.He walked over thirty minutes and knew he should be at the bar in less than twenty minutes more and he might even be late so he wanted to take a shortcut.He was walking close to an alleyway in the first place so there were many shortcuts around the place. He was still thinking about which one to take when his mouth was covered and he was dragged into the alleyway.He struggled fiercely as he was being taken but he couldn't struggle free .He was dragged deep into the alleyway and roughly pushed to the ground.He was immediately surrounded by more than ten men,his heart skipped a beat and he chuckled sadly,he should have known Jasper won't wait another night after he beat him up like that."I told you I will get you"jasper came out of
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"Young master? Mr Avi, who are you talking to?" The Dr asked a little confused,he even thought he was talking to Jason but the other person was looking confused as well."How did he end up like this?" Mr Avi asked Jason " I met him this way after I got back from my classes six days ago,I guessed it was nothing serious until I saw how serious he was bleeding so he was rushed here" Jason replied still a little shocked,he didn't know if he should tell this man the truth."What about the injury he suffered before this assault?" Mr Avi asked,his eyes could literally split fire if it was possible at this rate."He worked at a restaurant,he got into a fight with someone and the person sent many people after him who hit him badly,he spent two weeks before he was discharged " Jason replied.Mr Avi quickly brought out his phone, dialed a number and the other party pick up immediately."Prepare a ward at the hospital,the young master will be moved over in a few minutes, it's a little serious. A
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Jason pov'Even after Lyon was taken away by the man who was said to be Mr Avi,I still find it a little hard to believe actually.He's from such a rich family and yet he works so many part-time jobs and was bullied many times.I used to think he was just an abandoned orphan but I guess it's not the truth now.A family who's capable of having a private hospital can't be just a simple family and yet Lyon came to school as a pauper,why? I just couldn't think of a reason.That night when I talked to him,I was pretty mad about not finding my gaming pads.After he suddenly stopped talking,I was pretty curious to why and he even mentioned an address,why?I was thinking of all kinds of scenarios when I decided to check out that address,and why would he be around an alleyway.I rushed over but there's no one around here which makes me angry,is he playing with me?I was actually going to leave that place out of anger but then I remembered how weak his voice sounded when he talked to me.I decid
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Even though he was quite shocked by this discovery,he was also excited about the fact that all his suffering is about to come to an end,he didn't even realize he was smiling until Mr Avi smiled back at him, jolting him out of his thoughts."I will look around myself for now" he said and Mr Avi nodded " we didn't know your style of clothing,your height or your size so in each room you will find different sizes and style of dress,you can change out of the patient dress after freshening up,or would you like the maid to attend to this?" Mr Avi asked."No" Lyon replied within a sec, he's used to dressing up himself and he didn't have much clothes anyway so why would he want someone to help him dress up,it sounds weird and even unreasonable to someone like him who have many things to do in a day, waiting for someone to prepare his bath then choose clothes to dress him up sounds stressful to him.Mr Avi nodded in understanding and Lyon quickly went into the house, looking around from the kit
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The old man was shocked by the sudden outburst of anger from his grandson and looked at him with a raised eyebrow as if asking why he cursed so loudly and with so much anger all of a sudden ."Oh,I also heard he was actually in the same city as you,he ran there so he can have his freedom, away from his father. Bastard" the old man sneered."We were both third year students" Lyon corrected and the man raised an eyebrow but Lyon didn't explain anything to him,he just continued gnashing his teeth angrily.They talked for a while longer and soon Lyon left the villa with his securities and the old butler who was nearly sweating buckets when he realized Lyon actually cursed so loudly in front of the old master."We should return back to the city tomorrow,I don't like it when I miss classes," Lyon said and Mr Avi nodded without questioning his decisions. …..That night,Lyon decided to actually spend the night at a hotel so they easily went straight to the airport the next m
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After Lyon went back to his hotel room,he went to take a bath while Mr Avi waited with new clothes for him to change into after his bath."Are you angry?" Mr Avi suddenly asked and Lyon looked up " no,why should I be? I've been treated worse than that anyway"he laughed and Mr Avi sighed " it was my fault,I should have at least given you a gift"Mr Avi replied."It's ok,I was just shocked that those two have such a bad temper,I mean they are two people born into a rich family,they should know how to be calculative,they are not as I expected" Lyon shrugged."Anyway, I've to go back tomorrow,so how's my stepmom?" His lips curved into a sneer "the old master is pressuring your father to divorce her, recently her son lost a lot of money at a casino again,more than a hundred million actually"Mr Avi said and Lyon's eyes widened in shock."Jasper is such a spendthrift??" He was actually shocked,the jasper he knew often acts rich but he doesn't spend money like it's nothing,or maybe he just has
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All the way to the airport, Lyon was lost in thought and Mr Avi, being a responsible butler, made sure not to call out to him or disturb him in any way.Soon they got to the airport and boarded the plane,Lyon immediately whipped out his phone and went to his contact.He met many missed calls from Scarlett and unconsciously smiled. Scarlett has always tried to be mean but she's a very soft person underneath that mask.He called her back immediately but then she didn't pick up.Lyon thought she was mad ,she had been calling him for more than a week repeatedly and he's just responding,he would be mad ifsomeone did that to him as well.Soon the plane took off and Lyon actually slept off as well,the butler looked at his relaxed face and smiled. Lyon might not have the face to enter the list of the most handsome men in the world but he's really handsome and he looks so much like his father.Mr Avi picked up his phone and looked at the message sent by his master,he replied at once "yes sir,w
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He wanted to ask her why she seemed so mad to see him but could only swallow his questions because of her burning gaze. It made him feel uncomfortable all over. He couldn't pinpoint what he did wrong in any way."What are you doing here?" Asked Scarlett " to check on you" Lyon replied reasonably but this seemed to annoy Scarlett even more,he was dumbfounded by this."How did you know I was actually here?" Asked Scarlett a little suspiciously "I found out through my….."he couldn't say he found out through his butler,that will sound a little unbelievable,if his butler knew so much then he can't be from a normal family and she might become even more suspicious for why he worked at a restaurant while his family seem so rich."By someone,he has a very vast connection so he found out what happened when I asked him for it" he replied, deciding against talking about his background for now."Really?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow sarcastically and Lyon frowned,why did he feel like she just didn't
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Bryan kept the dagger close to Scarlett's neck in a threatening manner and Lyon frowned visibly,if not he's scared he won't be able to stop Bryan's madness,he would have directly punched this irritating man in the face.Lyon clenched his phone tightly in his palm "I will leave,what if I drop my phone if that will reassure you that I didn't call anyone" he suggested and Bryan furrowed his eyebrows as if he's in a deep thought."Ok,drop your phone and leave" he said "what about Scarlett?" Lyon raised an eyebrow "what about her? " Bryan replied impatiently.A message was sent to Lyon's phone right at this moment,he casually glanced at the phone and smirked."Who's that?" Bryan asked "some crazy dude I guess,I don't know who" Lyon replied casually and Bryan frowned.Bryan suddenly let out a loud scream and Lyon was quick to react,he directly used his hand as a guard around Scarlett's neck while Bryan fell down and fainted.A deep cut formed around Lyon's hand and he silently stared at the
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