Chapter 75

Chapter 75

As he got into his car, the incident with Daphne was already behind him, he gripped the steering wheel in anger as he tried to calm himself.

He didn't know what he would do to Aurora when he found her, but he didn't trust himself not to hurt her. He parked his car in front of his Company and rushed out.

He rushed towards the elevator, ignoring the greetings of his staff. Before he got into the elevator, he stopped one of them and told her to call the police. She nodded weakly and ran to do that.

The elevator door closed and he punched in the button that took it to the basement floor. He knew that if Aurora was here she would make sure that none of the staff had seen her when she was coming so asking them was pointless.

She wasn't stupid and she knew her way around the company. The elevator dinged and he stepped out. He looked around but couldn't find anything, he only saw metal pipes and heard water dripping somewhere.

He looked around and saw a small light coming fro
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