Chapter 145

It was way past closing hours and Micah was yet to see anything or be approached by anyone. He would have called it a day but he wasn't tired yet, also, he intended to fulfill his promise to Sam.

To help him stay fully awake, he decided to get coffee. Thankfully, the building was empty, so he wasn't afraid of having a repeat of the incident which had happened the previous day.

When he was getting closer to the storage room, Micah heard voices, he paused. The voices paused too.

Micah simply shrugged and continued on his way, but then, he heard the voices again and decided to turn back.

On tiptoes, Micah made his way to the door of the storage room. His hand trembled as it grasped the cold metal handle of the storage room door. The hinges creaked in protest as he slowly swung it open, revealing a scene that stole his breath.

His eyes widened, pupils dilating in disbelief, as the stark fluorescent light spilled into the room, casting an eerie glow. A gasp escaped his lips, and for a mom
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