Chapter 149

"Vincent Vincenzo?" Junior yelled.

They were sitting inside Junior's car in the parking lot at D'premium branch.

Micah had arrived at work earlier than normal and he had called Elise and Junior to fill them in as usual.

"I can't believe it! Elise exclaimed.

"It all makes sense now." Junior mused. His eyes widened, pupils dilating as the pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place. His brows furrowed, and a slow, subtle grin tugged at the corners of his lips. It was the expression of revelation, a mix of surprise and understanding, etched across his face like the first light of dawn breaking through the darkness.

"You know what? Things just got better." Junior said after a while.

"Everything ends today." Elise said.

"Everything ends today." Junior repeated in a lower tone.

"Here," Elise said, handing over the bag which contained the remaining two wristwatches to Micah. "Take it to them and let them lead you to Vincent, text us the address immediately you can, okay?"

"Okay." Micah r
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