Chapter 150

The warehouse which Micah and the thieves were supposed to meet Vincent Vincenzo stood in silent neglect.

The creaking doors, reluctantly swaying in the breeze, echoed with a ghostly memory of bustling activity.

"This place looks empty." Micah commented.

"Don't worry, they'll be here soon." Alan said.

"Waiting for me?" A voice from asked said.

The four of them turned, it was Vincent Vincenzo.

He emerged, clad in a tailored charcoal suit that seemed to absorb the ambient light. The sharp angles of his attire mirrored the calculating expression etched across his face.

As he stepped forward, the faintest smirk played on his lips, casting an ominous shadow over the encounter.

Vincent Vincenzo's demeanor shifted imperceptibly as his eyes fell upon Micah. The steely resolve in his expression gave way to a flicker of recognition, quickly replaced by a thinly veiled disdain.

"What is he doing here?" Vincent asked angrily.

"What is who doing here?" Alan asked.

"Are you stupid? What is MacMa
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