Chapter 7


I needed to get a spiritual cleansing as soon as possible, and I might even dare to ask Joshua for the number of a shaman because officially, no one had worse luck than me.

Let's put everything in context. I was chatting with my neighbor, a woman I couldn't stand, and the feeling was undoubtedly mutual. Yet, my body had reacted strangely to her presence. For a moment, I even forgot my own name, and all that existed was Emiliana, with me acting like a satellite orbiting around her.

I could only breathe easy when I distanced myself from my neighbor and returned to the bar. But my mind refused to forget the image of her lips. Unconsciously, I brought a finger to my own lips. Were they as soft as they looked? Probably. My heart was pounding, and I was sweating as if I had run a marathon.

Being distracted, I didn't pay attention to where I was going and ended up colliding with someone. I looked up, ready to apologize, and there, I confirmed with absolute certainty that I was cur
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