"I ain't dead, bitch. Who the fuck are you?"

       He muttered. Even the stray wind could not make meaning of what he had said. He tried to turn again, and again was a thud on the eerie earth. Callous earth obviously was pawning his rage. He knew that and wasn't pleased. Who would be? He let his rusty rage subside as he dumped all the odd thoughts. He could use the thoughts which had been trained by time. He was conscious of what to think. His thoughts were seasoned. He was relating. It had started hardly in the first place, but at that moment, he was getting acquainted with the odds. He knew that twouldnt take him forever to stand on his feet. He just needed to figure out how things were supposed to be. He was supposed to make odds of the even. Beg your pardon, make even of the odds. The pain seemed to be easing. He knew everything would be alright. He knew that things probably would return to how

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