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The three gentlemen followed up, Blade in Dew, arriving near a small house. The owner of the house, greeted them as they arrived, "Welcome Gentlemen. How may I help you?"

"My master would love to see the weapon you introduced me with," spoke Blade in Dew.

"Sure, sir. Come in" he welcomed them in and showed them the box, in it the sword lay.

In the glass of Houng-Joe, who was the owner of Blade in Dew, came up the tag of status for the weapon:

Name: Golden Feather.

Type: B tank.

Attack points: 892.

Defense points: 991.

Dexterity: 500.

The class required: Guardians, Knights, Swordsmen, Warriors, and Soldiers.

Level Required: 110-90.

Seals unlocked: 1

"How come?!" asked the Dreadful Wizard surprised, "The last time I got along here this sword always had 70 attacks less than eight defensive strengths. Then how come it raised without even being used?"

Exactly, Yes!

This was the same Golden Feather in which the Mage Cecil broke its first seal due to which its strength and attack increased.
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