Strange System

[System Activation Complete]

[System current State: Not Updated]

[System Initialization in Progress]

[Updating System to the Current Era]

[Current Era... Modern Era... Successfully Integrated]

Tony's groggy awakening was accompanied by a persistent voice in his head. As he surveyed his surroundings, it became clear that he was in a highly advanced hospital, leaving him bewildered. Could this be a dream? But the memory of his own demise lingered, casting doubt on reality. He remembered clearly, when Flash shot the intensed fire blast on his chest.

[Host: Awake]

[Upgrading Host to a higher rank]

[Host Upgrade in Progress... Incomplete]

[Improving Host's Skills…Incomplete]

[Host's Current Health: 40%]

[Host's Physical Condition: 10%]

[Host's Talent Skills: 0%]

[Host Requires Accelerated Healing]

[Host Must Focus on Physical Improvement]

"What on earth is that?" Tony questioned, perplexed by the voice originating within his mind.

"Who are you, and where are you speaking from?" Tony inquired, his confusion mounting.

[My name is Mera, I'm your guardian system, and I'm also a sentiental entity]

"What kind of system?" Tony pressed.

[Host has been granted the Imperial System]

"That's impossible! There haven't been Imperials for centuries," Tony corrected.

[Host has been chosen as the next Imperial of this generation]

"What!" Tony exclaimed. "Am I even alive?"

[Host is very much alive]

"Get out of my head!" Tony demanded, struggling against the unfamiliar presence.

[Error... We share a mental bond. I'm unable to comply with that request.]

"What do you want from me?"

[My objective is to help the host ascend to SSS-grade Mage and master all seven Talents.]

Tony couldn't help but chuckle. He had spent a quarter of his life stuck at Grade D, and now this strange entity was promising to elevate him to SSS, which sounded like a ludicrous proposition. 

[Awaiting all Mage ranks display]

[Mage ranks Loading…Loading complete]

Suddenly, a blue screen materialized before Tony, as if projected into his mind.

[All Mage Ranks, from Lowest to Highest]

[Grade D: Infant Mage]

[Grade C: Novice Mage]

[Grade B: Talented Mage]

[Grade A: Advanced Mage]

[Grade S: Boss Level Mage]

[Grade SS: Master Level Mage]

[Grade SSS: Imperial Level Mage]

[Host's Current Level: Grade D, Level Zero]

[Host Now Has Access to Ascend to the Next Grade]

Tony's head throbbed as he stared at the screen, unable to grasp the situation. No one had ever ascended to the SSS grade; even past Imperials who were the most powerful mages had only reached SS. Yet, this system promised him an upgrade to SSS, which seemed crazy.

Suddenly, the hospital door swung open, and Tony's family and a nurse entered, making the screen vanish from his view.

"Tony," his little sister exclaimed joyfully, rushing to his bedside, where she embraced him tightly, though he winced in pain, still haunted by the brutal beating he had endured at the hands of Flash just before losing consciousness.

The compassionate nurse, observing the emotional reunion, chimed in, "Take it easy, young girl."

Tony, mustering a gentle smile despite his discomfort, affectionately stroked his sister's hair. "How are you, Lilian?"

Tears welled up in Lilian's eyes as she replied, "I'm not fine at all, Tony. Why did you do it? Why did you fight in a tournament without letting Mom and me know?" Her mother, who stood nearby, shared her concern.

Tony's remorse was evident as he responded, "I'm sorry about that. I thought I was going to win."

Lilian's voice quivered with emotion as she continued, her tears flowing freely. "We were really scared, Tony. We thought you were dead. Your heart stopped, and Mom had to rush you to the Mage hospital."

Tony's alarm was palpable at her last revelation. He knew the exorbitant costs associated with Mage hospitals, where magic played a pivotal role in healing.

Turning to his mother, he asked, "What's she saying, Mom?"

His mother, taking a step closer to him, confirmed the grim reality. "She's right, Tony."

Tony's mind raced with questions. "But, Mom, how did you manage to cover the bills?"

Lilian spoke on behalf of their mother, her voice tinged with sadness. "We sold our home for your treatment, brother."

A sinking feeling overwhelmed Tony as he comprehended the immense sacrifice his family had made. "No!" he exclaimed, his heart heavy with guilt.

The weight of his conscience pressed upon him, a relentless reminder that none of this would have transpired if he hadn't recklessly entered the tournament, fully aware of his status as a Grade D mage, hopelessly outmatched.

"It's okay, son," Mrs. Martha consoled, her voice soft and soothing. "Your life is far more valuable than any physical structure. Remember, family is what truly transforms a house into a home, not just wood and bricks."

"But... but to whom?" Tony stammered, his emotions swirling like a tempest within him, struggling to absorb the staggering revelation.

"To a merchant," she continued, her eyes welling up, "a merchant who desperately needed more land for his business. I made the difficult choice to sell our cherished home, and he, in turn, razed it to the ground," tears now streamed freely down her cheeks.

"You've been in a deep slumber for a full week," she added, her voice tinged with relief, her hand gently stroking his.

"A week?" Tony's eyes widened, shock coursing through him as he realized the passage of time he had missed.

"It's alright, Mom. I'm so sorry; I never meant for this to happen," Tony murmured, his grip on her cold hands unyielding.

"Don't bear the weight of this burden alone, my dear," Mrs. Martha reassured him, pulling him into a warm embrace, which Lilian quickly joined. "You were only striving to provide for our family, and I couldn't be prouder of you."

Just then, the nurse interjected, her words punctuating the moment, "Mr. Tony, you are now fit for discharge, though your treatment remains incomplete due to insufficient payment."

"Oh, that won't be an issue. I feel considerably stronger now," Tony said determinedly, struggling to rise with his mother and sister's assistance.

Clad in cleaner attire, Tony and his family departed from the hospital. Tony inquired with curiosity, "Now that you've sold our house, where is our new place?"

"Under the bridge," Lilian replied with a hint of urgency.

"What?" Tony's disbelief resonated with the shock of their new reality, the prospect of living beneath a public overpass. He couldn't believe their poverty has gotten to this level.

As they walked along a bustling city street, a reckless truck driver barreled towards them, seemingly oblivious to their presence.

[Danger detected… Death probability… 89%] the chilling, ominous voice echoed through the depths of Tony's mind, sending shivers down his spine.

[Host has been granted an OTS… one-time skill]. The voice intoned with an air of enigmatic significance.

[Skill type


However, Tony paid little heed to the cryptic voice as an adrenaline-fueled rush surged through his body. His muscles tensed, and a vibrating sensation coursed through him as he fixated on the impending collision with the oncoming truck. With a sudden and breathtaking burst of power, he reached out, his movements so swift that the world around him blurred into a frenzy of motion. In an instant, he cradled his mother and sister in his arms, and as if summoned by a hidden force, they vanished from harm's way, escaping the jaws of the calamitous accident that had loomed.

Tony's voice trembled with bewilderment as he sought answers amidst the chaos. "What just happened?"

His mother, her face reflecting a mix of astonishment and gratitude, replied, "We should be asking you that, Tony."

Lilian, wide-eyed with amazement, chimed in, "That was incredibly fast, what a skill!"

[OTS no longer available]

[System grants host OTS skill when they face a dire situation beyond their usual capabilities]

Tony, still grappling with the inexplicable turn of events, was left in a state of absolute confusion.

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