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By: Author Riele CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 68 views: 2.9K

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-Ding! [The ultimate game system has been integrated into the host soul] [As a starter package, host can choose one option for free.] *** Authur Maxwell was always treated badly and looked down on by his in-laws and everyone around him. Even his wife disrespected him and humiliated him because he was poor and useless. One day a system called "The Ultimate game system" appeared to him, he had to follow the requirements and then he will be rewarded with a lot of money, fame and power. After getting the " Ultimate game system" his ex-wife Chloe, and her family begged and knelt down before him. Authur became the most influential man in the country. To the people he was a strong, rich and powerful man, but no one knew what happened behind close doors.

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  • Author Riele


    I need your support! My new book “Ansel Luther’s Rise to Power” is now available. If you’re enjoying the story, please spread the word and help me get the book into more hands. And don’t forget, I’ll be updating the story daily.

    2024-06-11 04:30:20
  • mrpsychoallalone


    really nice

    2024-01-24 01:35:33
  • Author Riele


    *Update* "MY SUDDEN RICH GAME SYSTEM" cover has officially been changed, if there are any changes in the future, I will make sure to let my lovely readers know. I also want to thank the readers for their support, your reviews and comments mean a lot to me, so please keep them coming xoxo...

    2024-01-04 21:16:53
  • Blink Blink


    A must read!!!

    2023-12-07 06:16:08
  • Blink Blink


    The first chapter got me hooked! I guess it's time he slap his in - laws in their faces then. Good job, Author! I like the book already.

    2023-12-07 00:28:34
  • Author Riele


    If you're looking for an exhilarating story about revenge, redemption, and rising to the top, look no further than this urban-system novel. Authur Maxwell is a character you won't soon forget. Follow his journey as he faces challenges and conquers obstacles in his quest for success.

    2023-11-10 23:25:08


    Highly recommended.

    2023-11-08 15:35:21
  • Maurice Hamahona


    Awesome story bro

    2024-01-07 19:07:44
Latest Chapter
68 chapters
Chapter One
Tonight was the wedding ceremony of Avery Carter, The second daughter of the Carter family. Her family and friends gathered around to celebrate the union of Avery Carter and Nolan William, the first son and heir of the Williams family. "I am so glad we finally get to be family" Lady William the mother of Nolan hugged Avery tightly. Everyone gathered to share their gifts and congratulate the newlyweds. "At least he is way more useful than some worthless trash that paced their way into our family" Emily Carter, the third daughter of the Carter family said and rolled her eyes at Authur. Suddenly, Chloe Carter, the first and most beautiful daughter of the Carter's family screamed at Authur "Hey look what you did! Just take a look, you just ruined my 200 thousand-dollar outfit… you know you can't even afford it and yet you ruin it. How shameless!" "I am sorry Chloe… I didn't do that on purpose, can you please keep your voice low everyone is staring at us." Authur took a white cloth fr
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Chapter two
"Can you tell me about the system?"[I can't disclose much information, but only the ones I have been programmed to say.][The information about the current owner is limited, but you are a descendant of the creator of the system.][The system was created to aid and guide the current host, it contains a lot of money till infinity, and it has special skills and special gems that can only be unlocked with enough exponential points as the host rises through the levels by playing games.]"So the system was created by someone related to me?"[That's right, the system was created by someone related to you and you can only get to know the person when you get to the supreme level.]"Alright, how do I level up?"[you level up by defeating enemies in games and the real world, your first task is to go to Emerald Isle tomorrow at 8 am.][You need to sign here to purchase Emerald Isle]"But why?"[The current owner of Emerald Isle has made it known to the public that he is willing to sell his reputa
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Chapter three
Authur didn't know how the system made him to be the new owner, he arched his brow as he thought about how it all happened.Suddenly the system appeared as he was thinking[Congratulations you have humiliated your enemies, 80XP have been added to your host status][ You have unlocked a new skill named combat skill][You have gained 2 attribute points for completing a task][You have gained a new reward to shop in the virtual shop for free"Show me my current status"Name: Authur Maxwell][Available balance:3,000,000,000][Locked balance:45,000,000,000][Physical Stamina: 80][Charms:0][Hp: 0/100][Combat skills: Unlocked][Movement skills:locked][Confidence boost: 1][EXP Points: 100/200000EXP][Rewards for completing quest: 1][Abilities :0][Strength:0][Speed:0][Social skills :0][Intelligence: 0][Attributes point:2][Current status> level 1]"Why are my stats so low?"[Your stats can increase only if you play games and earn rewards]Authur didn't understand how the system full
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Chapter four
Authur drove back to the hospital with a black Bentley, he had purchased the car after buying the mansion.He went into the room and saw his sister and his mom playing and chatting with Josephine.They all held a piece of Cookie in their hands and didn't notice when Authur walked in."This is so good""You are so nice"Mr's Maxwell and sage showered praises on Josephine and praised her for her cooking skills."Ahem…hmm" Authur cleared his throat and stood at the doorstep.They all stopped chatting as they saw Authur standing with his legs crossed and looking at them like they had done something wrong."It is time, let's go." Authur ignored Josephine and stared at his mom and sister."Ummm we were having a nice time with big sis" Sage blinked her eyes and puffed her cheeks like a puppy and then said "Let's stay a little big bro, please!" "No! we have to leave" Authur walked towards his mom."Listen to your big bro sage, we can always talk anytime… huh here's my card, call me anytime.
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Chapter five
Meanwhile, Authur stood in his room, he wrapped a white cloth around his hands.[Is the host ready?]"I am, tell me the rules"[Host must defeat opponent within 5 minutes] [Host can be any character they want][Host must choose only one weapon][If the host loses his HP then the whole game will be over][Host will gain 1 attribute point with each enemy defeated and will only increase when the host gets to a certain level][Host can level up and get to the next level when they defeat their opponent]Suddenly the room turned white and no object could be seen, it was as if Authur had transmigrated to another place.Authur stood in the middle and surveyed the empty room, different fighting characters could be seen floating mid-air."I want this" Authur pointed to the character dressed in a black cloth with armor all over his chest, the character had a weapon holstered at his waist.[Select your weapon] Authur selected a long sword and immediately the cloth merged with Authur and he becam
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Chapter six
After Authur freshened up, he drove his car to Emerald Isle.Even after buying Emerald Isle, he became friends with Joe Fletcher and they have communicated since then.Joe had offered to help him look for a new personal assistant and help him anytime he needed help.A lot of people stood outside the front of the one-fifty story building, each beside their fashionable car, they were all checking their files and trying their best to look good in order to impress the new CEO of Emerald Isle.Authur parked his car in the private parking space made specially for the CEO, he had driven his classy car by himself because he had not yet hired a driver.He had the money to hire a personal driver but he wasn't ready to get one yet.Authur saw the crowd of people walking out of the public parking space.They were all striding elegantly into the building.For a moment, he was taken aback by the huge group of people, he never expected a lot of companies to hurriedly take the opportunity and work wi
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Chapter seven
"Who does he think he is?" Lady Carter smashed her cup on the floor angrily.Chloe had arrived back in the Carter's mansion and hell broke loose after she relayed the information to the entire Carter family.Lady Carter especially, had been smashing everything she could get her hands on."My precious daughter will not work as a slave for that boy who was once a nobody!" Lady Carter further announced and gritted her teeth as she looked at her family's shocked expression."But mom! If Chloe doesn't agree to this then the Carter's group will become irrelevant and useless in the industry" Avery immediately retorted, she also didn't want her sister to work as a slave for her ex-brother-in-law, but she just had to make Lady Carter see the benefits from her point of view."Shut up Avery! We are the Carter's and we do not work for people…people work for us!" Emily hissed loudly at Avery, even though she had always been jealous of Chloe, she didn't want people to call her the sister of a slave,
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Chapter eight
Meanwhile, Authur was drinking a cup of coffee when he suddenly thought about Chloe.Even though she had agreed to do what he asked, he wanted her to tell the Carter family herself.No one knew he was the mastermind behind all the misfortune that had happened to them within those few hours.He smirked and dialed Chloe's number on his phone. "Did your family agree or not? If they didn't then I would love to see the Carter group go down, wouldn't you Chloe?" Authur teased her a little."I am outside your mansion and I am willing to do whatever you ask me to" Authur smiled as he heard her voice, his ex-wife who always spoke to him harshly was now speaking to him politely.He ended the call and instructed the security outside to allow her into the mansion.Authur was in the large living room, anyone who walked in would have thought they were in heaven.The living room was furnished with elegant sofas and sleek designs.The elevator opened and Chloe entered the living room, at first she w
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Chapter nine
Chloe was getting ready to attend Sage’s birthday party. She didn’t want Authur to punish her like he did the night before.Just because she had failed to attend to him during a certain period, he made her clean the entire house and she didn’t sleep all the nightJust then, someone barged into her room. The person was no other than Authur.“Take this and wear it!” Authur threw an ugly-looking dress at her.“Wh…what’s this?” Chloe scrunched her nose as she held the dress up and looked at it scornfully.“I want you to wear this now!” Authur said in a demanding tone.The dress was a black maid dress, and it had white designs that said ‘MAID’ printed boldly on the chest.Chloe dropped the dress on the floor, she spat at it, and then said, “I can’t be caught dead in this”“I don’t care how you get it on, but if you don’t wear it and come to the party room in the next five minutes, then I will make sure I send you back to where you belong!” After hearing Authur’s bitter words, she picked t
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Chapter ten
"Mr Maxwell, the Carter's should be blamed for this! They never should have been allowed in here in the first place!" Lady William rolled her eyes at the Carter's and frowned."You dirty bastard! You are the one to be blamed!" Lady Carter let out a harsh breath, if she had the opportunity to rip Lady William apart then she would have.The two women stared at each other and were only able to control their burning desires because of Authur.Chloe didn't know what to say, she felt like it was all her fault, she just watched quietly and waited for Authur to say something.Authur knew the Carter's would surely cause a scene at his sister's birthday party, and that was why he invited them over.If he was able to humiliate and embarrass them then he would gain a few EXP points and it was all a win-win situation for him."System, will I get enough EXP if I make them feel humiliated and ashamed in the presence of all these people?" He decided to ask his system.[Yes][Host gets 10 EXP for each
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