Chapter 281

Hazel's face contorted into a mix of surprise and anger as she heard what her mother just said.

How could her mother even suggest that she had a secret lover when she knows she is happily married and deeply in love with Marcus?

Hazel's voice trembled with frustration as she vehemently denied the accusation.

“No, Mother, I don't have any secret lovers. You know I would never do that or betray my husband. I love my husband so much that nobody else can get into my heart.”

Hazel replied, her tone laced with annoyance at what her mother said she doesn't understand. She keeps looking down on Marcus after everything he has done for them; she would never betray him.

Penelope's face saddened all of a sudden as she processed Hazel's words.

If Hazel truly doesn't have a secret lover, then how did she come to possess the car? She knows Hazel can't afford it. She is hiding something from her. Penelope's determination to know the truth only strengthened as she refused to back down from her line
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