ch12 Impersonation

-Millie's pov:-

It had been silent for too long.

None of us actually had any idea what to do next.

Somebody must've taken those keys before we could, we just didn't know who.

It could've also been the other group, I really hoped it was them.

Honestly everything would be better than that psycho having control over those keys.

I swear, anything.

I also felt horribly sorry for attacking Adrien the way I did.

Honestly I panicked so hard I wasn't in control of what I was doing, I swear if I could turn back the clock I would.

Not even to stop us from camping, but just to be able to say sorry.

Even though I had just seen someone murdering my friend it didn't give me rights to put the blame on a unstable child.

I swear I'd do anything to be able to return everything to how it was.

I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't mean to.

He's been through so much, much more than a man should go through, much more than anyone should go through.

I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have yelled at him.

He had already lost his closest friend and I just made it so much worse than it had to be.

I'm make everything worse aren't I?

How do I make it up to him? I mean a simple sorry is so out of the ordinary these days, or is that just me?

A simple sorry doesn't cut it anymore. But it's not like I usually say sorry to people, I don't recall getting into fights lately, but I'm a calm and collected sort of person but today was different.

I just snapped.

I didn't know what to do anymore and let all that anger roll out on Adrien

He didn't deserve that, I wasn't thinking at all.

And I'll be willing to do anything to pay him back, I swear I'd do anything.

-Warren's pov:-

I wasn't planning on doing anything. I simply had so many things running through my mind.

I literally didn't even wanna know what Adrien would've been processing right now.

It's kinda deep once you really start to think about it.

A person could walk around with suicidal thoughts and you wouldn't know.

A person could walk around looking for someone to rape.

A person could walk around trying to find someone to help.

You never know what a person might be capable of. They could turn their back on you any moment, but they can also twist back around whenever they'd like.

I swear it always happens the moment you let your gaurd down for just a single second.

It's like they say, the perfect assassin always knows when to strike.

But that's what keeps life interesting. The ups and downs are what needs to be done to never keep life interesting.

I honestly had no idea why my mind started to deeply think about unnecessary stuff in the middle of a attack of a murderer but it kinda just happened I guess.

I honestly can't explain it, and I'd be pretty surprised if anyone else could.

-Jasper's pov:-

I found myself getting so self-centered. I was willing to do anything to do get out of these woods myself. Even if I had to poke a knife through the back of my friends, I'd do it.

I had no clue why, I love every single one of them so, so bad.

I tried to get these intrusive thoughts out of my mind but it wouldn't go away!

It's like I was developing bloodthirst for my own friends.

No, no, I have to refuse. I can't make these woods drive me insane.

But it kept insisting. In order to succeed You'll need to be prepared to give up some belongings.

If I wanted to survive of course there'd be a price to pay in return. That's just how life works.

But that still didn't mean you get rights to bring your friends into danger or even killing them.

I tried so hard to get these thoughts off of my mind but I couldn't help it. Why couldn't I help it?!

It only got worse and worse.

I looked around and saw Lola really upset.

I don't know what it is but she usually has this sort of sense there's something off.

And she was having that exact stare.

Things were about to get going. And I was so ready for this.

-Adrien's pov:-

I couldn't care less anymore. I was so fed up with everything and everyone.

Honestly, I wouldn't even care if I would die. I just wanna be able to see James again. I just wanna be able to see him smile again. To see him be proud of me just one more time.

I don't wanna do this without him. I'm worthless without a guide.

But I can't let everyone down because of my whining.

I was in such a doubled situation I couldn't handle it.

I so badly wanted to just end it all and be able to visit James again. But I also want to help out my friends otherwise I'll die filled with quilt.

I just didn't know what to do anymore!

Why did it have to be me? Why did it have to be me?!

What the fuck did I do to deserve this? What have I done wrong?!

I noticed my breathing level highering. I was starting to have a panick attack.

I tried my best to get a hold of my breathing but it was so hopeless.

It got worse and worse and nobody even noticed.

I'll know what I'll do.

As soon as I get the chance to kill myself, I'll take it without a doubt.

-Lola's pov:-

I felt the pressure of being a leader, It was horribly uneasy.

I didn't wanna deal with responsibility but the group needed a leader and only I was willing to take the risk.

I had no choice but to be the head of the team, without one they'll find a new one called chaos.

The only thing you don't want in these situations are unordered people.

It brings chaos, and that way you'll never be able to find a way to work together.

You'll fail without other people there to help you, but that doesn't mean you don't have to build progress on your own.

People are there in your life to show you how it's done, not to do it for you.

That's what leaders tend to do often. Pretend like they're superior and know everything better.

I'm not like that, not at all.

I just wanna teach and help. And if I ever were to be a little sassy I'm seriously irritated, but it isn't who I am.

Sometimes people snap too. You're not able to control it, it's simply impossible.

You can crop up your feelings but hiding something doesn't make it go away.

That's why a sidekick is so helpful. Someone you can fully trust and tell anything without them judging you.

But I didn't have that. So who's there to help me?

I don't wanna play the victim, cause I'm seriously lucky to still be alive to this minute, and I'm thankful for it.

But now that we weren't able to get those keys it was gonna be hard.

Somehow we needed something or someone to get us out of here, but all emergency services were out of the question and so we're the cars seeing we'll never be able to start them.

We were hopeless. We actually were.

All my sparks of hope had faded away as snow showed to the sun, and rightfully so, because I could sense a sixth entity among us, he had returned.

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