Radius was a demon with a unique power that made it a formidable opponent for any who dared to face it. Unlike many other demons, Radius did not rely on brute strength or magical spells to defeat its enemies. Instead, it had the ability to move through the earth itself, traversing the underground tunnels and caverns with ease. This gave it a distinct advantage in battle, allowing it to launch surprise attacks on unsuspecting foes and avoid attacks that would otherwise be fatal.

As soon as Sanxi and Kilish learned of Radius's existence, they knew they would need to come up with a plan to defeat it. They spent hours researching and studying the demon's movements, trying to find weaknesses that they could exploit. They learned that Radius typically moved through the earth in a straight line, following the path of least resistance. This meant that it was relatively predictable in its movements, and they could anticipate where it would appear next.

Sanxi decided that they needed to lure Ra
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