Ryan woke up with a throbbing headache the next day.

He had barely shut his eyes until sunrise and his conversation with Tony still felt like a dream.

A bad dream he kept reliving in his mind.

“Hey!” Bethany shrieked as she bumped into Ryan.

“Good Morning” Ryan mumbled, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

He felt slightly dizzy and the fact that he was going to be downstairs before getting any aid was not going to help.

“A head ache? I've got something for that, follow me” Bethany smiled.

How did she know? Probably mother's instinct, Ryan guessed.

Or the fact that he had been massaging his forehead consistently for the past minute.

He followed after her to get room where she offered him some pain relief tablets and watched him swallow them.

“Mom? Mom?” Ryan waved his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“I'm sorry, Ryan. I just…I thought about how unfair it is that I only get to see you for a few more years and as a full adult. I was never around to
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