Chapter 492 - Hongtoni Arigato

Chapter 492 - Hongtoni Arigato

She then looked in a different direction. "About the Kitsune, I'd like her to stay away from Alex and Olympus. If you want peace here, we have to do something to stop that demon from making more trouble.

Rhea thought about what Joan had said. She knew that being a goddess came with a lot of responsibilities and that Kitsune could be a threat to Olympus. She called on all her skills to lock the devil fox in place.

In a show of godly power, Rhea calls forth a bright ball that envelops the Kitsune and limits its movement. The ball is ringed by bright plants and flowers that give it a natural feel. Joan thinks the power is a good shield against the Kitsune's power that can't be stopped.

Rhea muttered an old spell, which made a web of magical energy. The air crackles with a strange power opening a doorway to worlds Olympus can't reach. Joan stood in the doorway with Alex in her arms and the sword in her tight grip. She was ready to lea
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