Chapter Three: The Discussion on Money and Love

Spider had no choice but to come clean to Jay about his recent arrest. Jay, who had been in a similar situation before, listened attentively as Spider began to share his story.

One day, Spider, Chaly, and Helena were hanging out at the local swimming pool. Chaly commented, "The only thing that separates us from Jack and Luke is our backgrounds. They come from wealthy families, with Jack's father being the OCPD of Komsofa County and Luke's father being the CP at Lamba Lolo University."

Helena, however, had a different perspective, "So what if they come from wealthy families? I'm beautiful and I'll find a rich husband." Chaly retorted, "That's not the point. We need something that will benefit all of us, not just you. Your husband won't be able to help all of us."

Spider chimed in, "I plan on marrying this beautiful lady, and don't forget, you have one of my ribs." Helena shot back, "Over my dead body!"

They left the pool and headed back home. Once they reached their house, Spider pondered, "Even if Jack and Luke are rich, we still need to reach out to them. Money can never bring true happiness and we're all facing suspension. Why don't they use their wealth to prevent this from happening?"

Helena then took out her phone and called Jack, "Hi Jack, are you able to meet me and Luke on the street?" Jack replied, "Yes, I can. In fact, Luke and I were together and will be there in the next five minutes."

True to his word, Jack and Luke arrived five minutes later. Jack was a bit disappointed to find that Helena wasn't alone.

Chaly stood up and thanked everyone for being on time. He reminded them of their suspension from school due to theft and suggested they use their skills for a criminal plan.

However, Luke was not happy with Chaly's proposal and confrontationally asked what he was talking about. Chaly quickly corrected himself and informed the group that it was actually Helena who had called them all together.

Helena interjected to calm the tense situation and reminded everyone that they were all there for a criminal plan. If anyone didn't want to participate, they were free to leave. She explained that Jack was worried and asked for the plan to be revealed.

Chaly announced that their plan was to rob the Northgate International Bank. They would work together to come up with three plans, designated as A, B, and C. Plan A would be explained by Helena, and the others would help to develop it.

"Can you tell us Plan A?" Jack asked.

Helena stood and began to outline her plan in a way that engaged the group. She looked around the room at each of them before continuing.

"So, Plan A is this. Jack, you'll buy seven pistons, one machine gun, and five computers. Chaly, you'll make the machine gun and piston undetectable by the machine. Luke, you'll make sure the five computers are unhackable by disconnecting all possible networks so they can't be traced. Spider, you'll find a big house and set up a small kiosk there. My task is to go to the bank and observe how things are done there, how the CCTV is arranged, and where the real action is."

She paused, letting the words sink in. "Are there any questions or complaints before we continue, so we can handle them before moving on?"

Nobody raised any complaints except for Spider, who raised his eyebrows towards Helena. She winked back at him, and continued.

"Since there are no questions or complaints, we can continue. Chaly will come up with a musk that nobody can detect, so no fingerprints are left behind. Then Luke will carry the five computers to Spider's kiosk and hack the CCTV until he's in control for exactly one hour. Chaly, Spider, and I will be at the bank, each carrying two pistons, while Luke remains at the kiosk with the machine gun. Luke, do you want to continue?"

Luke stood like someone who was tired and had no ideas. He wondered if he could be a criminal while spreading the word of God, as he believed he was the author of the St. Luke gospel. But he also thought that even Jesus did criminal acts after healing people who were doing business in the church.

"Luke!" Helena shouted. "Trees," Luke said, his voice trembling. "Continue with the plan."

But before he could continue, Spider stood up and said, "Enough! Luke, sit down." And Luke did as he was told.

"All of this plan is mine," Jack interjected.

"Shut up!" Spider said. "You're our leader."

"I said, shut up!" Jack repeated.

The room was quiet as Chaly spoke, "As you all know, we didn't finish high school due to Criminal Minds. Luke, do you remember all the things you did while in high school? Now is not the time to think about spreading the gospel. If we want to form a strong group, we need a leader and that leader is me because the idea is mine. If you're in this room, you'll be a billionaire in the next few months. Can you all stand up?"

Everyone stood, and Chaly instructed Helena to open the door. "If you don't want to be with me, the door is open. But if you do, sit down." Everyone sat down and Chaly closed the door.

"To form a good group, we must understand each other, love each other, have an attitude, and be proud of what we're doing. Now, let's look at the plan. I have the plans for Northgate International Bank and Westend International Prison, and I've placed them on the table." Chaly explained that the two buildings were constructed by a Russian man who had planned to rob the bank but died before he could carry out his mission.

"You can see that both plans have four tunnels, two of which are dotted with red lines and two with green lines. The green lines are for fire, and the red lines are for sewage. The main wall has different writings, and both tunnels have never been repaired until now. This is because they have a trolley highway, which was meant to be kept secret and made with strong metal. The tunnels of the bank and those of the prison meet at Loser's kiosk, which is always closed. I have the key, and I know you all have a lot of questions, but let's go to bed and prepare for cleaning the kiosk tomorrow. I'll answer all your questions then."

Everyone took a drink and went to bed, all with the same thing in common - asking themselves where Chaly had gotten all that information.

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