Chapter Four: The robbery preparat

At night, Jack went to Helena's room and knocked on the door. She let him in and asked, "What are you doing here? Why don't you go to bed?" Jack replied, "I have something to share with you." They both sat down, with Helena wearing a transparent nightgown. Jack held her hand and asked, "Can I trust you?"

Just then, Spider entered the room holding two ice creams. Helena asked, "Why didn't you even knock?" Jack asked, "Spider, is this your room? Entering without knocking?" Helena told them both to leave her room and closed the door behind them. Spider dropped the ice cream and started to push Jack, asking, "What were you doing with my girlfriend?" Jack smiled and said, "Spider, she is just your friend, and even to me, she is just a friend." Charley intervened, telling them both to go to bed.

The next morning, the five friends gathered at their meeting point as usual. Charley stood up and thanked everyone for coming. He had found a car and asked Spider to drive them to Losa Kiosk. When they arrived, Charley pushed the door open and they entered the kiosk. It was big and had different types of weapons, including guns and The inspector was furious, shouting about how he could have been beaten like in a drama. He ordered George to take the person in question to the military wing. George responded that he wasn't resting, as the inspector had accused, but rather updating the prisoner records and was on his way to inspect when he saw the inspector being attacked and decided to help. According to the law, George could not take someone who had not spent even a day in the prison to the military wing.

The inspector then told George to take the suspect to court, as they already had evidence that the suspect had tried to kill the inspector. He instructed George to give the suspect prison number 6666 and direct them to the prison for 15 years. George acknowledged the order and took the suspect, who he referred to as "Spider," to his office. He gave Spider a prison uniform and informed him of his prisoner number.

George then ordered ten police officers to accompany Spider to the high-security grounds for some fresh air. George was cautious, knowing that Spider was someone who had killed two police officers in the past. When they arrived at the high-security grounds, Spider appeared to be worried about someone named Helena.

big map. Luke asked, "There's everything here, why did you order us to go and buy guns?" Charley smiled and explained that everything must have a starting point and that was the starting point of the robbery.

Charley walked over to what looked like a table but was actually an electric device. He told everyone to gather around and explained that it was a computer that would help them rob the bank. He said they had to use it to cut off all incoming and outgoing calls to the bank for ten minutes, and then one of them had to go to the Westend International Prison to switch off the WSO.

Helena asked, "What is that?" Charley told her he would answer all her questions later, but not now. He pressed the computer and explained that it would show them the location of the switch in Jail Number F9. He then asked, "Who is going to the prison and how? Any ideas?"

The inspector was furious, shouting about how he could have been beaten like in a drama. He ordered George to take the person in question to the military wing. George responded that he wasn't resting, as the inspector had accused, but rather updating the prisoner records and was on his way to inspect when he saw the inspector being attacked and decided to help. According to the law, George could not take someone who had not spent even a day in prison to the military wing.

The inspector then told George to take the suspect to court, as they already had evidence that the suspect had tried to kill the inspector. He instructed George to give the suspect prison number 6666 and direct them to prison for 15 years. George acknowledged the order and took the suspect, whom he referred to as "Spider," to his office. He gave Spider a prison uniform and informed him of his prisoner number.

George then ordered ten police officers to accompany Spider to the high-security grounds for some fresh air. George was cautious, knowing that Spider was someone who had killed two police officers in the past. When they arrived at the high-security grounds, Spider appeared to be worried about someone named Helena.

And that's how Spider found himself in prison. He shared his escape plan with Jay, who warned him that many others have tried and failed. But Spider was confident, he believed he was different and was determined to succeed. Suddenly, the jail door opened and they didn't see who was responsible. Jay got up to leave the room, but Spider asked him where he was going and warned him not to act recklessly, as it could lead to death.

Jay then proposed a deal to Spider. If Spider helped him escape, Jay would make him a billionaire in five weeks or provide him with a drug that would make any girl fall in love with him. But Spider refused the offer of money, stating that he only wanted the love drug. Jay smiled and agreed to provide both.

As soon as Jay stepped out of the room, he was met with a harsh slap that sent him crashing to the ground. He didn't see who had hit him.

Jack was thinking about how to kiss Helena in front of him when he saw a spider. The spider was so hungry that it bit the wall. The spider apologized and asked who Odhimbe was and why he didn't knock. Odhimbe explained that he was the leader of YUDA and had found the door open, so he didn't need to knock. He then threw clothes at the spider, asking if it could wear them quickly. The spider asked if Odhimbe had stolen the clothes and why. Odhimbe smiled and revealed that the spider was there because it had tried to kill Inspector Ondula. Odhimbe had been paid for everything, including soaking the spider's mattress in dirty water that smelled like rotten eggs and locking the spider's door the previous day, denying him the chance to spend time with his family and relatives.

Odhimbe was there to torment the spider and was joined by five other men carrying sticks that looked like hooks. They tried to torment the spider, but he jumped up and kicked one of them. He then turned and kicked two more. When he landed on the floor of the jail, he only found one man and worked him over thoroughly. The spider laughed and asked why they were running, before biting the man five times. The police arrived and arrested the spider, who was taken to an assembly ring to be beaten by the man he had bitten. However, that man couldn't do it because his hand was broken, so Odhimbe was given the task.

Odhimbe took a lungalunga and approached the spider, whispering in its ear that it was his turn to torment him. He then began to beat the spider until his backbone was visible.

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