My Little Ventrue: A story in the Dolareido Universe
My Little Ventrue: A story in the Dolareido Universe
Author: Author faith
Chapter 1

~~Welcome to the world of Vampire: The Requiem~~


And then she fell into the ocean after that! Jack struggled to contain the mirth after giving him a stomach stitch. "It was too late by the time we pulled her out." Everything was ruined: the dress, the hair, and the makeup.

The younger of the two, Jack, was seated on his friend's sofa. Jack was certain it was a leather sofa or a pricey substitute. The artworks were framed in an elegantly simple, smooth framework, but the walls were a solid white. The paintings themselves depicted dark subjects in terms of both hue and imagery. Although Jack could never be certain, he was certain that many of them were depictions of harsh biblical times.

But who was he to pass judgment? He liked clean, white walls without any decorations.

"Oh wow. And the gala for her high school was this? Julias, who had a smile on his face and a glass of red in his palm, was also seated on the couch across from Jack.

Julia was a jerk. No one could dispute it. Although he took good care of his body and had grown quite muscular and lean, Jack was a small man, and Julias was a big, built man. Jack was aware of this. He had wide shoulders, a tall stature, and a fair complexion. His hair was blonde and combed back flat against his skull. It was nearly unreal in the movie. Nobody styled their tresses in that way. Nobody could make those tresses look good.

Julias might. The man was dressed in a really, really, really fine suit, even though he was sitting in his living room on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand. Definitely much better than Jack's own. Jack estimated the cost of his outfit to be at least two months' worth of his own pay. He had at least taken off the jacket and loosened the black tie.

“Yeah. "I took her home because she was so distraught, and she missed the entire event," Jack said.

"Wow, did you take her home?”

“Ha!" "Man, I hope." "No, she abandoned me in a fit of rage after only five minutes at home."

“Ouch. Julias was trying hard not to chuckle, if only to keep his drink from spilling as he sipped it. Even if he had, Jack questioned whether it would have made much of a difference in his friend's finances.

Jack was forced to rise. It was always fun to visit Julia's home, which featured a huge TV on the wall and a wall-to-window view of the city. He took a few steps back and forth as he surveyed the structures below. marble flooring in a residence. Even without the floors, his shoddy sneakers seemed insufficient.

"Did you ever date someone after?”

The sudden apparition of Julia next to Jack nearly caused Jack to gasp. He had been silent. There is silence, and those shoes are on marble surfaces. Oh, so seamless.

“No. The first and last woman I ever dated was Ashley. After a brief moment of embarrassment, Jack glanced back out the window and put his hands in his pockets. "She dumped me before I ever got past second base either." Standing next to Julia, his own suit was a pale, dyed contrast to hers, and their shared sad optimism was clear.

"Aha, I see. So that was the main focus of this. "You asked me to help you locate a girl."

"No, well, perhaps."

"I haul your behind to the gym so frequently, Jack. Even there, you converse with individuals. You've improved since you were a helpless pissant five years ago. "Thought you'd have some confidence," Julias said, swirling his glass of red wine. It always seemed to be very dense.

"I am sure of myself."

"So what's the issue?”

"Hatred for the people of the world and their stupidity?" Jack stated.

or possibly spending too much time online creating absurd standards."

"That's right, too."

Both of them chuckled. Undoubtedly, their relationship was odd, much like how water and fire interact. Julias was stylish, refined, built, and sophisticated. Jack was a skinny little man with a sharp tongue and too much free time. They were never without a topic to discuss.

"You received that raise at Barksen's, then?" Before turning to face Jack, Julias took another taste of his beverage. He leaned against the window with his back to it and folded his free arm against his torso with his free hand hooked underneath the other arm.

Jack shrugged and said, "You know I had plans to get into law school." I must be excellent at getting people to do what I want. "Early on, Barksen wanted me under control."

"I'm not to fault him." Julias's sarcasm was almost dripping from his lips, but Jack countered with a classic wink. "You're an expert at bending people to your will."

Barksen believes I am. "He did employ me right out of high school, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but Jack, you've been trapped in that position for close to three years. Barksen enslaved you because he anticipated that you would be impoverished. Julias glanced down at his drink and made a gentle swirling motion with his hand. "He'd have to pay three times what he pays you to get that job filled by someone with a license," he said.

Before flashing his own grin, Jack slowly squinted up at the older guy.

"You're absolutely correct. I currently have the connections and money set aside. Barksen is unaware that one of his partners is considering a branch, and neither are they aware that Mr. Turner is considering a district expansion. I introduced myself to him as well.

Jack appeared to be very happy with himself. Why not, you ask? He would have a safe and steady future with this strategy. He would advance in his career, receive raises, and lead a comfortable life until retirement at a young age.

Yes, that was excellent.

"You have your ducks in a row now," I said.

"I hope so."

"No dangers?" said Julias.

"I have no idea." "Why would I take chances, really?”

"When you really, truly want something, it probably means that someone or something is preventing you from obtaining it so easily. Risks follow.”

“True. I suppose I just haven't come across anything worthwhile to gamble on.”

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