Mask Guys

Upon finding the bunker empty, Henry felt himself teetering on the edge of giving up. However, Louis, ever the motivator, stepped in and reminded him, "She is your sister. Don't give up. She's waiting for you."

Inspired by Louis' words, Henry regained his determination to find the new location where Doreen had been moved. They realized they needed someone who could provide information about her whereabouts, and Max seemed like the most suitable candidate but he was dead.

Gathering with Louis, Henry held a meeting to discuss their next course of action. Louis asked, "Do you know anyone we can target to lead us to Doreen?"

A realization struck Henry, and he exclaimed, "That's it! We can target my stepmother, Miss Cavil."

Louis pondered for a moment before asking, "Should we kidnap her?"

Deep in thought, Henry replied, "Hmm, I don't think kidnapping is a good idea. Let's try something else. We should attempt to spy on her. Your task is to assemble a team of expert spies. Show them Miss C
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