Chapter 12

We traveled back home, when we got there I saw my body was moved. I was placed in the kitchen on Ganuku's sponge. It was weird. I was on the same sleeping position I was in from when I left my body. I panicked, they probably thought that I was dead or they were playing a prank on me. Were they trying to murder me? All these thoughts came crashing into my head, from that one gesture.

"Do they know? Do they know, that I had left?" I asked Ganuku.

"Yes, but we have to act quickly, before they tell your father... Get inside your body, we're doing this thing today." Ganuku stated. I did not know what he was really suggesting, but I complied to his demands. I got inside my body. He grabbed me with the shirt and he made us open the door. It was dark outside and I felt the breeze of the cold night hit my skin, like a deep freezer. I was really scared of leaving with my body in a human form.

He made us walk until we reached the gate and then we walked towards the road.

"We have to act swiftly." Ganuku was stating impatiently. I had never seen him agitated like that, even though he was a ghost in real life. I could not help but think that he was the coolest ghost ever. I was not afraid of him. He was still my brother and I knew that no matter what, I could always trust him. But, nothing had prepared me for what he was going to have me do.

The door to the shed, that used to be his room was opened. He whistled, then a brown and black chicken came out. I wanted to run away, but he gestured for us to leave. I followed him.

"Was that chicken there the whole time?" I asked feeling scared.

"Yes, we have to act quickly." He said. I nodded, although I was feeling sceptic with the whole thing. Something in my spirit felt very unsettled, it was like I was dragging my feet to something sinister, but I knew I had to trust Ganuku, he was my brother.

We walked in darkness and I saw us crossing the huge Koma street, which crossed over to Rockville. The reminiscences of Rockville tragedies came crashing back to my seven year old mind. The darkness of Rockville consumed me, I could feel the shift on energy, the huge trees seemed to have something lurking in them. My throat felt dry, fear consumed my soul.

"Ganuku, there's a mermaid in this place." I told him. Ganuku seemed to sigh, but he kept his stoic expression.

"It would not hurt you." He stated.

I felt like peeing myself, while he kept his nonchalant expression. I just envied his unbotheredness.

"I'm a child!" I said. I could not stand it any longer, walking in a dark road at night and leaving my brothers alone in the house, with the door unlocked was crazy to me.

"Well today you will learn that sometimes you need to grow faster because the world will harm you if you are not careful. Sometimes the ghost is not something you should fear, because it has your best interests at heart. Whereas human could be real the monsters that you need stay clear of. Human are more dangerous than ghosts, you hear me? " He asked.

I knew what he was saying, but I could not help but think about why we had to walk all there way. I could astral travel with him like I always do, why did I have to walk with my physical body?

"Why did we not leave my body behind like we always do?" I asked him.

"Boy, who are you talking to and what are you doing here at night?! Where are your parents?!" A person in one of the houses asked. I became so scared, I did not even know how to answer.

"Run!!!" Ganuku stated and I did. I did not even know where I was going but I was running deep into the darkness of Rockville.

"Kid, where are you going?! Kid!!!" The man tried to stop me, but I ran not looking back.

I arrived at Rockville Park panting. I was so tired and I realized that I was near the dam, on the crime scene where they found a girl who was drowned. Fear consumed me, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I thought that I was going to lose myself as I felt the ache on my chest.

"What are you doing here kid?" A man appeared, he did not seem like a normal person. I backed away, although I was trapped by the pond. He was huge and he could catch me anytime. I wondered where Ganuku was? In that moment I thought I was going to die because I had listened to him.

"I am the man who drowned that child, I drown juvenile kids who play besides the pond." He approached me, becoming bigger with each second he came. "My master needs to feed, he lives in that pond and you are innocent, his powers will grow from that." He said.

I felt like dying in that moment.

But, "Duck!" Ganuku said and I obliged. I got down covering myself and closing my eyes, folding myself like a ball. When I looked up, after some time, I saw Ganuku standing there and the man nowhere to be seen. When I looked back behind myself, I him being submerged into the pond. The ghostly look on him made Pennywise look like a joke. He was terrifying. My pants were drenched with pee, I had never been in any situation like that before and I could not hold myself any longer. I started sobbing.

"We need to go back home." I said finally, tears were now coming down my face. I was beyond petrified.

Ganuku watched me for a while and he said,

"We cannot do that, we have already came so far. We need to complete this mission." I saw the small brown chicken appear from behind him.

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