Chapter 17; Frustration and blunder….
At that very moment, Raymond stopped when he got the sensation that something unfair was taking place with him and that his father was breaching his commitment regardless of the circumstances. In addition to that, he was furious with his mother at that precise moment. At that time, it appeared as though she had no regard for him and his feelings at all. Plus she was acting like a Lady who was concerned with the entire world but her son. He kept his profile very low that day throughout the evening and remained confined in his room. He got the impression that up until this point, all he had been clinging to was a misguided belief that his parents loved him more than anything else in the world. Eventually, after everything, Raymond decided that he would not communicate with his parents in a straight manner anymore then. Throughout the entirety of the dining room, he maintained his silence and barely spoke to any of the members of his family as well who were parents his greatest rivals at
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