Chapter 16; I can see the vision and Fear!

"So sorry! It's a mistake, sir. I wanted to gain access to one of the staff member's offices, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by me," the person yelled from the outside and left before he could respond. Subsequently, after the interruptions, Hayden desired to have some time to himself in the room to concentrate on his work. As a result, he crept inside his room quite quietly. He was considering the various options available to him to complete the challenging and one-of-a-kind game in the next 48 hours. However, he was well aware that it was virtually impossible to produce some amazing work in two days at any cost to rescue the company and the jobs of a large number of employees, including himself.

He was confident that he would be offered a second job in a short period, but he was concerned about the other people working there. He knew his colleagues and boss had good faith in him. And they were sure he would indeed take out this very problem. But he was worrying about his son who counted on his father like anything. The only way out of this predicament that he could see was to give the video game to the head of the firm that he had been working on for such a long time to give it to his only son as a present on the occasion of his birthday. He could not think of any other way out of this mess. But the thing which was perturbing him, 'Will it not be wrong to do that to his son?' he quickly questioned himself. On the one hand, it was his company, and on the other hand, he felt terrible for his son, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Hayden had made a promise to his son that on the occasion of the latter's eighteenth birthday, he would give the young man a one-of-a-kind video game that would be the absolute best game that He could ever imagine.

However, the jarring squeak of the door abruptly diverted his attention away from his line of thought, which had been going on for a considerable amount of time. She was none other than his adored wife in all her glory. When Hayden did not ring the bell and instead used the key to enter the house, she realized that something was bothering him from the inside and that he was looking for some time to be alone with himself. When his wife witnessed that Hayden had not been coming out of the room for more than an hour she decided to join him holding a cup of his preferred piping hot coffee in her hand while wearing a broad grin on her face. At the same time, she was someone whom every member of the household could trust with their most private thoughts and feelings, including the boss. Together, in complete silence on her arrival, they consumed the tea. After then, Hayden went on to explain everything else that took on at the office before she got there as well as still elaborated on what was bothering him the most at the time.

Hayden's wife offered some words of solace to her husband, she said, breaking the silence with a statement, "You're ruminating far too much and causing unnecessary stress to himself." She continued by saying, "Instead of sitting alone and tormenting your head, it would be better for you to make our son realize his peculiar circumstance,"

Furthermore, she tried sharing light words, "It is high time that you teach our children that it is not necessary to acquire everything that you wish for all of the time," She reassured Hayden that she would discuss the matter with Raymond, and she was extremely certain that he would retrieve the things and behave responsibly. Hayden was taken aback on many occasions, leaving him to wonder: "How does his cherished wife find out that he is agitated on the inside, and what does he require at this time?" Hayden quickly got a little bit normal. He began to explain to her the ins and outs of the game that he is going to run on the computer, including all of its rules and procedures. He then proceeded to add a new element to the game by stating that he had determined that the player would have to perish while they were attempting to eliminate the antagonist.

Hayden's wife becomes so immersed in the story of the game that she begins to have visions that this event has truly taken place, but she is unable to make out the face of any of the characters. It was as if nothing had happened, but suddenly his wife said it. 

"I can see the vision and fear!"

"Whatever game you design, having a real man play it will make it more interesting and entertaining for everyone involved."Immediately after speaking regarding what he just said, a bright smile appeared on her face. At that very time, Hayden's wife had the sensation that someone else was speaking from within her, and as a result, she began to shake from the inside out. She had heard about some futuristic game. And her gut feeling was telling her, "This video game is going to be the same sort of amazing game." She wished to convey her apprehension to Hayden and urged him, as well, to put an end to this game. But something from inside stopped her from doing so.


Eventually, after work, the couple were home seating inside their bedroom, when the topic was modified back by Hayden's wife. She wanted to tell him what was on her mind earlier, she talked about how the game resumed being dangerous and it wouldn't be right for Raymond. It was quite unfortunate that Raymond was passing through the room walkways. He stopped to hear the ongoing conversation between his parents. However, he wasn't like this all the time, but what got his attention was when he heard his name. His anxiety raised just immediately, he wanted to know why his name was mentioned, so he stood by the side of the wall, listening in on their conversation and picking up on every single word they said. On the inside, he felt both horrible and cheated. Secretly, he was aware of the fact that his father had been preparing an intriguing game for him to play. He would check the progress of the game's development over and over again whenever there was no one else in the room. Raymond's suspensions were freed from every angle; after overheating his father mention to his mother that he was working on creating a one-of-a-kind video game for him and his sister, and that he intended to give the game to him on the occasion of his eighteenth birthday, he was overwhelmed with happiness. 

Subsequently, after satisfaction with what he overheard while passing the room, he left the point before anyone could notice him there, he walked towards his room holding his breath in anticipation of that day. "Hmm!... But wait"

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