100: Finding Him
November and his Friends were still on the search for the Boy in the creepy mask. They were going into town and different places from the names of the school registrar that they had looked through in their principal's office. They had gone to several kids' houses and asked them this seemingly stupid question, "if they wore a mask to prom?"

Teens found this rather absurd, to have November, Macey, and Sebastian showing up at their door on a Saturday evening, asking such a question. It seemed as though they were playing some kind of game with the students of Winona's high so they were never taken seriously, even though they tried as much as they could to look serious.

While they were getting kicked out or insulted until Macey in November's body came up with the suggestion that they would start asking if these people knew the boy that had worn the creepy mask to prom the previous night. Still, they couldn't get any good response.

It was frustrating to the bone, especially being in the body
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