Chapter 25: The Current Peace 

Kazikishi Gakure made an expressionless face as he sees the griffin die in the most embarrassing way possible. He lay down on the grass as he was now at peace.

Gurushina Nirikure the other fox swordsmen stands up and begins to walk to his right. He reaches a giant tree as he heavily breathes and thinks nothing about quiet and calm. He sat down and leaned on a tree as Kazikishi Gakure lay down on the grass.

He looked up and sees Zukori Gakure making his way down. He was jumping on the giant leaves and giant branch as Gurushina Nirikure sees that he slowly pulled back his sword and sees him heavily breathing.

"So, what now?" Kazikishi Gakure asked as he closes his eyes. Gurushina Nirikure also closes his eyes as they both were exhausted and draining them because of the fatigue and fierce fight. It was full of destruction and was a savage fight between the three, fighting giant monsters and the king of ground and sky.

"Rest, take a break and just feel the peace, for now, we will resu
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