Chapter 52


"What do you think is the matter ? What do you think is the cause ? Even as a mother, I think he has suffered enough."

"I don't know why Era, I don't know why it happened this way."

"But did he ask for it ? Did he ask to be born this way ? Before he left do you know what he said to me ? "I wish I wasn't born mother, I don't want to live", that was what he had told me."

"Listen Era", the male voice said, "his destiny is to achieve the unthinkable, it is that void, the realm of the unknown, a dimension of flesh and thought that drives the normal and average insane. Era, Kied can't be normal, your son can't be like others, he was destined for something else, something that even I can't understand."

"But this socalled destiny is driving him insane."

"The heavens know why it happened this way. Many have grasped glory and fame from the universe but in the end, they never gave back, yet, they are still celebrated and idolized. While the real builders of history an
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