Chapter 472 Real Magic

Although they had come to an agreement earlier, the group soon started facing internal conflict. It was mainly the Magician’s complaints as he disagreed with the path chosen.

They had no map to guide them, so they relied on their instincts and abilities to navigate this place. Amongst them, it seemed that Arthur had the sharpest natural instincts. The Trickster was the second.

Leiu might have superhuman strength and relatively perceptive eyesight and hearing, but it seemed he lacked in comparison to the two freaks accompanying him.

“What do you mean we should avoid them? That’s stupid!”

“What’s so stupid about avoiding danger? Our priority is figuring out where and why we are here.”

“Yes, and we can do that while also fighting the Voidspawn. You’re strong enough to shred them to pieces, what are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid.” Retorted Arthur while raising his voice, clearly annoyed by the Magician, “I prefer to take things slowly and without causing any unnecessary complications. T
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