About That...
I went on to the next classroom and took a sit. Almost immediately after that, the professor who was assigned as the teacher entered, silencing the whole classroom.

Right now, my current class subject is Theory Class. There are two main types of Theory Class. One is the Mana Theory, while the other was Magic Theory.

I'm currently assigned in the Mana Theory Class. And similar to what the name, this subject was focused on teaching the main principles of mana.

"Okay, then.... What is Mana? Anyone know the answer?" The professor asked as his eyes began surveying the whole classroom. As if someone finally caught his eyes, he then spoke, "Sir Augustine, do you perhaps know the answer."

The student who was called out beside me stood up. With his fingertips under his chin, the boy then answered, "Mana is an intangible 'energy', which every living creatures has it, and the most crucial elements in this world."

The professor lightly smiled at the boy's answer as he then nodded. "Good. How abou
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