Chapter 4

As usual, Jack hopped on his bicycle and set off to work. As he rode along the Roodenburg Highway, a sense of pride filled his chest.

'This is my first morning as the sole heir of the Roodenburg family.' He thought to himself with a chuckle.

In that happy daydream, suddenly the sound of a horn deafening in the ears. Jack was so surprised that he tiptoed and almost lost his balance.

Loud laughter sounded from behind. Jack turned to see who was so arrogant as to honk his horn while the road was still wide enough to walk through.

Jack gritted his teeth as three young men climbed into a gray BMW 3 Series sports car. It was Sophie's new boyfriend, David, with his friends. The three of them dismounted proudly, closing in on Jack.

Meanwhile, Jack was still silent, just staring at David without blinking. He still remembered, how last night he was humiliated, beaten, and kicked out of his own engagement party.

"Are you exercising in the morning with your trashed bicycle?" David's friends started to jeer.

“Gary, haven't you seen his clothes? That's King Pizza's uniform, not a tracksuit. So obviously, he's going to do his noble job, delivering pizzas." David chimed in followed by mocking laughter from his friends.

"When we want to go to the sports center to train muscles, he's busy thinking about orders. That's why he is so weak. Do you remember, he immediately fell with just a few light punches.”

"Don't remind him of that dark night, Ryan. You'll make him cry later."

Jack was in no mood to argue with them at all. He looked ahead and started pedaling again without giving a word.

Of course David and his friends didn't want Jack to just leave. They then returned to the car to catch up with Jack. David quickly drove his car. He overtook and intercepted Jack's bike.

Jack was still trying to avoid being lazy to deal with those annoying people. However, David and his friends soon descended. They spread their arms to block Jack who was about to pass.

Annoyed Jack got off his bike. "What do you want?" Jack's first sentence sounded cold and intimidating.

"Wow, is this pizza delivery man mad?"

"He scared me, David!"

"I'm very busy. If you don't have work on the weekends, come to the shop to help make the pizza dough. You will be rewarded for that.”

"God damn it!" Gary stepped up to give a punch to Jack who dared to taunt them. However, David immediately restrained him.

"Calm down, Gary. We beat up this loser last night. The wound on his temple isn't even dry yet.”

"Move." Jack's face was very cold.

"Be patient, dude. You haven't even heard how passionate I was that night with Sophie last night. My goodness, your ex was so hot. In bed she was so-” David broke off seeing Jack close his eyes with his jaw clenched.

"What's wrong, Jack? Don't you like hearing hot stories?”

“That's none of my business. Now step aside. I have to work.”

“Don't tell me you've never fucked Sophie? Oh, no wonder, there are bloodstains left. Turns out Shopee is still-”

“MOVE!” Jack shouted interrupting David's story. However, Sophie was once his idol. Hearing another man tell of a passionate night with Sophie made his heart feel like it had been stabbed by hundreds of daggers.

"What if we don't want to step aside?"

"Then I will-"

Not until Jack finished his sentence, Gary interjected, “What? Beat us up? Or… kneel and kiss our feet, begging us to make way for a loser like you?”

Jack took a deep breath. "Look, it's Sophie!" He pointed in a direction. The three youths who confronted him turned their heads deluded. He took a chance by escaping.

"God damn it! The loser fooled us.” Gary slammed a fist into his own hand watching Jack run away. "We have to go after him. That old pizza delivery bike can't keep up with your speed David."

David tugged at the corner of his lips. He tapped Gary on the shoulder as he said, “Calm down guys. Until then, Jack won't be able to fool us. How can a fool be fooling others? See how I will repay him.”

“Are we going to visit King Pizza? Sounds interesting. It's been a long time since we've tasted burgers there. A little mess would make things a lot more fun, right?”

Gary smiled slyly. Loudly he agreed to Ryan's rotten idea. However, David showed different things. The young man shook his head, “Not us, but Sophie. My girlfriend will teach a valuable lesson to her ex-boyfriend."


Jack parked his bike in a hurry. In his head already imagined what King Pizza's manager would do to him for arriving late.

Sure enough, Jack was just passing through the entrance when a man shouted at him.

"How lazy you are! What made you dare to walk through the door when you were late, you idiot?!”

It was James Bing, Jack's superior who only smiled at the rich. He will do anything as long as he gets the reward he deserves. On the other hand, when dealing with lower middle class people or their subordinates, he is very irritable and always acts arbitrarily.

James approached Jack. He glared at Jack so his eyeballs almost popped out. "Because you're late, you have to work overtime today without meal allowance. And, your salary will be deducted by 10% instead.”

"Mr. James, I left early in the morning, but there are hooligans blocking me. So-"

"I don't care! Hopefully tomorrow the hooligans will bother you again so that next month you don't receive my wages!”

“Mr. James, please don't overdo it. I've never been late before."

"So you think I'm exaggerating?"

"Mr. James, at least I came before the shop opened. So, I'm not harming anyone."


The employees closed their eyes as James slammed the glass vase on the floor. “Bastard! I'm the manager, and see, I arrived here while you were still snoring in bed."

James pointed his finger at Jack's face. “A loser like you doesn't even deserve to talk to me.” He gripped Jack's shirt before grinding his teeth. "My decision must be obeyed or I will kick you from this place." James shoved Jack in annoyance.

Feeling not enough, James warned again. He raised his right fist. “Look at my burly hands! Once again you dare to argue with me, I will not hesitate to break your bones."

James looked at the employees one by one. "This goes for you too. Don't even think about arguing with me if you don't want to get beat up or fired. I'll make sure you get to the hospital before you lose your job. Understand?!"

The employees nodded in fright. "Understood, sir." They returned to their respective jobs.

“Right now clean up the shards of this vase. All the mess must be finished before the shop opens. I don't want any of these damn bits on the customer." James leaves to bully Jack.

Seeing that James had entered the room, Claire rushed to Jack with a broom and a small dustpan. The woman started babbling in a low voice.

“He's the one who made the mess, why should you clean it up? Does money make people lose their minds? I've never met a sane rich man. They all have the same habit, likes to yell at and insult the poor. I pray that all rich people fall into poverty this very second."

Jack gulped. Just the night he became a rich man, it would be very dangerous if Claire's wish were answered.

"Why is your face like that? You worry as if you are about to lose your fortune!”

Jack scratched his head which didn't itch. "That's enough. Talking about it will only piss you off.” Jack put the shard of glass that Claire swept into the black plastic.

“I really hope one day to have a good boss. Our current manager is terrible. He always acts on his own. I'm sure the salary deductions from employees who make mistakes go into their own pockets."

Jack fell silent. He remembered King Pizza standing on top of his business area. Claire's wish was not impossible.

"Where are those hooligans bothering you?"

Claire's question interrupted Jack's reverie. “Actually it's not a punk. Forget it, we'd better stop talking before Mr. James gives his long lecture. I haven't eaten and I'm full of scolding."

Both of them laughed together. It's not uncommon for poor people to skip breakfast. Sometimes breakfast time is intentionally served in the name of being frugal. It seemed that Jack has not been able to get rid of this habit even though now he can buy whatever he wants, without exception.

After the mess in the shop was handled, King Pizza opened on time. Many customers came for breakfast. Apart from pizza, this place does provide several other menus, such as various breads and cakes, as well as coffee and other drinks.

Jack was making a customer's coffee in the back when someone called him very loudly from the front.

“Jack, where are you?! You bastard, get out quickly!”

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