Chapter 42- Narrowly Missed The Birth of His Siblings

The whirlpool was big enough for all of them, so they jumped into it at the same time.

They appeared outside, where they had been before they were sucked in.


They gave a sigh of relief. If the whirlpool was connected to another place that will be story for another day.

They looked at the mountain which no longer had any semblance of a rock giant. It was like a rare mountain and only rare because of the mineral deposits.

The mountain which was crumbling inside wasn't crumbling outside, one wouldn't even notice anything.

"I understand what happened now."

Xiao Xiao looked at Flynn and so did the others.

"It's like a space within a space."

"Yeah, think about how we wrapped out" Adrian commented.

"It's like a person standing behind you and the person behind you faints, that is to say that the space we entered was the space within another. Such concept might have been un heard of and since the space in the mountain is protecting the space of the rock giant, it could not be easily fou
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