The Trillionaire System

32 ratings

The Trillionaire System

By: Tyqun Nla CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 230 views: 9.5K

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"I will volunteer myself as a guarantor for the $30 million loan." said by the poor son-in-law. Could you believe David Anderson, the poor son-in-law, volunteered himself as a guarantor for a $30 million loan, despite being despised and treated badly by his wife's family? Ignorantly, he made himself the guarantor for such a crippling loan just because he wanted to prove himself useful to the family. David was locked up at the loan company custody due to their crazy and wild policies. He starved for months, and he was also sent to work at the loan company's construction site with an empty stomach to limit the loan's monthly interest. He was going through hell while still on Earth until an amazing system found him and made him the owner of the whole city. What do you expect as David's comeback?

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  • Quadri Olasunkanmi


    so fantastic ... ......for you tyqun

    2024-05-05 05:33:50
  • Aina Elizabeth Boluwatife


    It is full of creativity. It is aesthetic.......... Nice work here, Boss

    2024-02-22 00:35:20
  • Tajudeen Kaosara


    I really enjoyed reading it ... ... and I enjoy every bit of it ......

    2024-02-18 20:26:22
  • Kehinde Ibrahim oriyomi


    This is just too dope......

    2024-02-11 15:59:44
  • Kehinde Ibrahim oriyomi


    E too dope boss... More ink for your pen boss...

    2024-02-11 15:54:44
  • Hajia Hajia


    This book is so interesting

    2024-01-27 04:00:38
  • Aina Elizabeth Boluwatife


    This is aesthetic and artistic too......️

    2024-01-08 02:34:19
  • Zuxian


    Not a typical urban story, but it's surely a page turner. Decent work, author. I hope to see more of the plot development.

    2024-01-07 00:07:18
  • Aijinnahen S. Ludovic


    Well - done, Tyqun. I can’t wait to finish this book.

    2024-01-02 03:00:55
  • Zunji Glory


    Certainly, there must be a great inspiration behind this book.

    2023-12-22 15:58:51
  • Omotohso afeez


    I'm loving this..

    2023-12-12 02:25:02
  • abdulfataiuthman338


    You deserve award for this.........

    2024-02-25 20:38:07
  • White Diamond


    I can't wait to find out what happen next. What?! My jaw dropped to the floor.

    2024-02-08 07:41:20
  • Royalmary23💜


    well, chapter 11 - Jan 21st noted

    2024-01-22 05:17:56
  • Royalmary23💜


    well, life is give and take, tasks for system, not bad tho

    2024-01-21 05:39:49
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230 chapters
Chapter 1
David slid the door handle with excitement and watched it open widely. Suddenly, his face felt cold when he saw who was standing there."Good morning, ma'am," he greeted his mother-in-law, feeling shocked."What's so good about this morning, you pauper?" she yelled at him harshly."Why didn't you wash my clothes before leaving this house?! And who gave you permission to leave?" she questioned sternly.Words escaped David as he felt stupid and couldn't think of a reply to defend himself. Before he could respond, his face received two heavy slaps in a second."Are you deaf?" Mrs. Elena Wendy, his mother-in-law, asked, coming after the hot slaps.He covered his face with his left hand and felt hurt inside. The pain from the slap ran through his veins deeply. He doubted if what hit him was a lady's palm because it was so hard and tough that it made his upper jaw dropped on his tongue forcefully, resulting in a tear.That morning, he had woken up early and gone to the nearest market to buy
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Chapter 2
It was 2 PM at Wendy Villa. Every member of the family had gathered, patiently waiting for Granny's arrival. They were engaged in side conversations until they heard the door slam. There was ten seconds of silence before Tony roared, "You fool, why did you slam the door so hard?"It was David who accidentally let the door slip out of his hand and hit it hard. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled, and the whole house hissed at his stupidity. At that moment, his legs felt so heavy that he struggled to take further steps."Hey David!" Diana called him, and he looked up and saw his wife. Mrs. Elena gave her daughter a scornful look, but Diana didn't seem bothered by it.David gained some energy and walked to the vacant seat between Diana and Tony. Tony looked at him derisively and asked, "Why do you stink so much?" scrunching his nose.Diana's look conveyed to David that she wanted him to ignore whatever Tony said."Uhn hun," Granny cleared her throat as she entered and took her seat, which was the
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Chapter 3
Shock was written on everyone's face. Diana couldn't hold it to herself. She tried to pull his hand down to get him seated but his body was so firm."Granny, don't mind his words, he's sick upstairs!" Diana wailed, looking at him with disgust.Granny's lips curled, she stood and walked to Diana, then whispered "He's in his right senses, don't discourage him."Diana was short of words and watched Granny walked to her husband."Thank you, David." She patted his shoulder until he fell back to his seat. "You are such a brave and helpful son-in-law, I blessed the day you professed love to my granddaughter," she smiled at him.David's heart vibrated in an instant. He was shocked with Granny's comment on his contribution. 'Did she just say I'm a helpful son-in-law? Wow! I've successful changed the thought of being useless from the mind of the Wendy family,' he celebrated his win silently.Mrs. Elena and Tony exchanged glances and smiled at each other quietly. It was obvious they already had
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Chapter 4
The cool evening sunshine spread across the Wendy's Villa. Mrs. Elena had organized a parlor party to celebrate Diana's birthday, even though she lost interest in it since her husband was now in Mr. Huge's custody.Mrs. Elena and Tony took a comfortable corner to enjoy their drink and have their secret discussion. There were also some other members of the family around. They were served smoothies and sushi by the maids."Tony, you really impressed me today," she teased him with one leg crossed over the other."Huh? You mean?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink."How you brought up the loan suggestion until the dickhead, David fell into it," she praised him delightfully.Tony felt flattered and confessed, "Well, it was just a coincidence. After all, we were able to get the loan and at the same time push out the useless son-in-law out of our family."Tony and Mrs. Elena laughed loudly, capturing everyone's attention."Lest I forget, I invited Mr. William over for the party, but he is n
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Chapter 5
The Wendy's anniversary party was already two months old. Their chance of paying off the debt is very weak, while David was starving all day in Mr. Huge's custody.Mr. Huge sat on his swivel chair with his phone placed on his big black office table, having a conversation with Granny on loudspeaker.He had ordered one of his boys to bring David to his office to find out the plan the Wendy family had for him. At least for him to know how long he would stay in their custody or how soon he would leave.David stood uncomfortably, with the guy who brought him to the office behind him. The fact that he had not been eating enough was very obvious in his appearance. His eyes had already sunk into his sockets, and the length of his neck was four times what it was when he arrived two months ago.The truth was that the Wendy family didn't even care if he ate or not. They never even left behind any percentage for his feeding.Fortunately for him, he only got the opportunity to taste food when he w
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Chapter 6
He stood up immediately, wondering what sort of magic this was. While he stood in bewilderment, the system displayed a notification.Ping![Host can convert the available coins into cash into their bank account.Note: Host's bank account has been automatically linked with the system.]Then another piece of information popped up instantly,[Do you want to convert now?][Yes/No]David wiped his face with his hands. He couldn't believe everything that was happening right in front of him. He thought his eyes were only fooling him. He pushed aside his doubt and clicked on the 'Yes' option, giving it a try.In a blink of an eye, a new information popped up,[Congratulations! Your conversion was successful.]Before his brain could process what he just read, he heard a notification sound on his phone. He fished it out of his pocket and saw a jaw-dropping credit alert."What?!" he exclaimed loudly. He blinked his eyes several times and read again.'Congratulations! Your account XXXX XX0531 has
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Chapter 7
"This is the way, sir," she led the way, and he followed her. She thought secretly that, it would have been a great regret for her if she had treated the young Master badly. They headed into an elevator, and they got to the last floor in a few seconds. David was wondering how money changes things so easily. The young, beautiful lady was giving him the utmost special treatment she would give a president of a country. They walked down to a room, and she unlocked the door. The room screamed so much luxury as everything in the room looked so clean and expensive. "This room is meant for VVIP's like you, sir" she said with a smile on her face. "Oh, good," he responded calmly. Two beautiful ladies entered the room, and the table before him was filled with different types of food. "In case you might need any other thing, you can give us a call, sir." Sha said pointing at the room telephone. "Okay, thank you" he replied with a smile. Soon they all left, and it left him alone in the roo
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Chapter 8
News reached Wendy's Villa that David had disappeared from the construction site where he was working. The entire family was concerned about the news, especially since they were struggling to earn enough money for repayment.Mrs. Elena was in the sitting room, waiting for Diana. Finally, she arrived, Mrs. Elena questioned her for arriving so late at night. Diana, looking exhausted, stared at her mother confusedly, realizing it was only 9:30 PM.'It's not even 11 PM yet,' she thought silently, apologizing to her mother to avoid an argument and she explained that she went out with Mr. William.Mrs. Elena felt somewhat relieved, happy that her daughter was now involved with a millionaire. She responded with a smile, saying it was fine and then asked if Diana had heard the news.Diana dropped her bag on the table, placing the gifts William had bought for her, and then sat on the couch across from her mother."What news?" she asked curiously."Your husband escaped," Mrs. Elena hinted, conf
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Chapter 9
David woke up early and went to the nearest Bugatti specialty store. He walked confidently, holding his cracked screen iPhone 6."I need the latest and most expensive car in your store," he said boastfully to the sales girl before him.She glared at his worn-out shoes, his shabby clothes, and his useless cracked screen phone before she uttered, "We're here for business, not for jokes, Mister."David was upset with her words, what did she mean? "Do I look like a joke?" he asked aggressively.She scoffed and walked away from him. David felt displeased with her unfriendly attitude, but he was surprised to see her coming towards him again, holding a book. She stretched it out to him—it was a catalog. David reluctantly took it from her and wondered what had made her changed her mind.He searched through it until he found his choice."I prefer this blue Bugatti Chiron Profeli."She glared at David and muttered, "The price is there.""Of course, I can see it, $10 million," he responded.Then,
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Chapter 10
David wondered why the system bought the company without informing him earlier. However, he still considered the system to have the right to do whatever it feels like, as long as it benefits him. Then he remembered it would have profited him more if the system had given him the task to buy it himself.[Young Master! The fact that the system bought the company itself would not hinder your rewards]The robotic voice clarified, and instantly the system appeared before him.Ping![Congratulations, Reward Granted][The Trillionaire System Status][Host: David Anderson][Age: 25][Balance: 5000 coins][Strength: Good][Skills: Driving]"No! I can't believe this," David wailed. He massaged his eyes more vigorously and yelled again!"Dear system, this is becoming unbelievable! How on earth do you want me to believe this? How can you be so generous to reward me this much for a task you carried out yourself?" he bombarded the system with so many questions.[Young Master! It's the duty of the sy
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