Chapter 165

Chapter 164

Lorraine stood up from the position she was squatted to. Avon already went after Charlotte like he said.

He could hear Kory’s voice shouting meters away and Charlotte trying to shut her up.

“You’re not getting away with this, whatever it is that you just did to me. Give me back my body you piece of a useless shit!” She heard Kory’s voice yelling at Charlotte.

“Fine bitch.” Charlotte said and that was the end of their shouting.

Avon hastened his footsteps rushing to the direction he heard then shouting from only to see they were gone.

Still looking around for them his eyes landed on Finn who creeped out from nowhere standing behind him.

Avon almost jerked, “Finn.” He called a little weird out by his sudden appearance.

“Where were you? How did you? It doesn’t matter, when you did you come back?” Avon took some steps backwards before inquiring.

Finn smirked, a dark edgy one that has Avon squinting his gaze at him.

“I came in not too long, I was looking for you.” He r
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