Part 4: Some People Who Carried Out The Attack


"Argh..." Aland groaned after his body was thrown into the backseat of the car.

Aland didn't have time to speak, but Barvel had already closed the car door. Aland's eyes followed Barvel's movement, who ran quickly around the front of the car towards the driver's seat door.

From Aland's side, Barvel casually sat in the driver's seat and hurriedly fastened his seat belt. Barvel still didn't give Aland a chance to talk about anything, not even to buckle up.

When shots were heard from behind, Barvel with all his might stepped on the accelerator. The car immediately sped up suddenly using full speed so that Aland's body almost jerked forward.

Luckily, Aland reflexively held the seat belt while holding the hand grip.

"Who are they really?!" Aland asked frantically between his hands tightly gripping the hand grip.

Barvel was very focused on holding the steering wheel and looking at the road ahead. "I told you, they are the ones who are after the Hamilton family, Mr. Aland."

As the car drove at a speed of 140km/hour, Aland held his breath because he felt panicked. The speed of the car tracing the very long road leading to the main exit gate of the mansion building. Every snaking turn, which felt like a sharp bend, Aland's eyes closed tightly to ease his worries.

Too bad the distance from the mansion building to the main exit gate is three kilometers.

Aland was immediately irritated with Madam Ellene's family who had to live in a huge mansion like this.

"If you think of me as the rest of the family ... watch out for the tree! Hey! Do you want to kill ... kill the rest of the Hamilton family with the speed of this car?!" Aland didn't mean to snap at Barvel, but his panic and annoyance forced him to.

"I'm sorry, it's for your safety from people who can find out where you are!" Barvel replied in a rather loud voice.

"What safety? You—"

"Why would they target me?" Then a second later Aland, when he was still having trouble fastening his seat belt, corrected, "I mean, they don't know me."

"But they could have caught you!" Barvel spoke in a slightly snapping tone due to the loud sound of the car engine. "I've long heard that the Hamilton family's enemies are looking for the whereabouts of the remaining members! They will catch anyone suspicious, that's why I'm trying to drag you away from that place."

With a worried and blushing expression, Aland turned to Barvel. He was still holding on tightly to the hand grips, also maintaining the position of the seat belt so that it crossed his body even though it had not been fastened.

"Since when?!"

"Five years ago. Since the news of the investigation into the Hamilton family attack case stopped. The enemies of the Hamilton family immediately started searching..." Barvel explained so seriously, without taking his eyes off the street in front of him.

Hearing that explanation, Alan's lips seemed to lock. Aland felt worry slowly take over his heart. Suddenly he thought about the fate of family members who use the title 'Hamilton' as their last name.

Are they all safe?

Did they also move overseas and disguise themselves like Aland?

"Over the years, the Hamilton family's remaining bodyguards and I have been trying to monitor their movements. It's a shame, they also work secretly, not much has been detected."

"So, since then, you've been trying to find my whereabouts?" asked Aland, just guessing.

Barvel immediately nodded his head. "Yes, that's right. I've been to countries where the rest of the Hamilton family might have fled. I finally came to Mexico because you loved Mexico since you were a kid, right?"

Alan was taken aback for a moment. What Barvel said made him remember himself as a child. He really likes Mexico and wants to visit it, that is the reason why Aland made Mexico as his escape country.

It's just that simple reason.

"I'm afraid that a part of the Hamilton family's enemies will find you, Mr. Aland. They have a network of connections everywhere, even on different continents," Barvel continued explaining.

Aland's breath came out as he leaned his back against the back of the chair. Alan closed his eyes, for some reason thinking about all this made him dizzy.

Aland doesn't know that there are still secret agents belonging to the Hamilton family left. He also did not expect that there were bodyguards of the Hamilton family left.

For years, Aland was unable to communicate with anyone. Because he also doesn't want to harm the existence of the people who are part of the Hamilton Family.

"Finally you found me," Aland said with his eyes closed. In fact, he forgot that this car was traveling at high speed.

The emotional intensity of his heart suddenly changed.

Aland's voice stopped suddenly right after an incoming call came from the car's head unit. Aland saw Barvel immediately press the screen, pick up the call before turning off the earpiece on his left ear.

"Barvel, what's your situation?" Someone's voice sounded a bit hoarse.

Alan frowned. He seemed to recognize this voice.

"Chaotic. They've come and snuck in between the parties," Barvel replied. "But I managed to take Mr. Aland away from the mansion."

Then the sound of the man's breathing on the phone came out. "Thankfully, I have predicted their increasingly intense movements since two weeks ago. No wonder they take care of VISA and carry out the flight process using a private jet."

"Are the people who came including all the subordinate?" Barvel asked, his focus still on the road in front of him. 

The conversation between Barvel and the man on the head unit phone call was only heard by Aland. Aland didn't give any reaction as he tried to remember who the voice belonged to on the phone call.

"No. Some of them came to the territory of the country where you are now. The rest, the men who are there."

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