Chapter hundred sixty nine

Anna had majestically returned to Aaron’s mansion like nothing happened, without being discharged from the hospital. Light makeup and a nice dress fixed her physical state but definitely could not take away the misery she was feeling in her heart or make the earlier scenery disappear from her memories. Julian’s brother, Danny had abducted her while doing some grocery shopping, she tried fighting off the young man all by herself but ended up losing her child before Lucas could come to her rescue.

Lucas had overheard Henry encouraging Danny on the phone to take his revenge on the real killer of his brother Anna and with a flash the young man went after her.

The thought of prison terrified Anna, she would be at the mercy of the system. She knew that she couldn't bear the thought.

But there was another even greater fear. Aaron would find out the truth about the miscarriage. He would discover that she had lied to him, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

Her mind raced, try
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