Chapter 278: Benjamin Wants To Leave
Feeling a sense of relief and hope, Benjamin released his head and took a moment to steady himself. He smiled warmly at the memory of Cordelia's love and concern. With newfound strength, he got up and walked confidently toward the door, reaching out and opening it.

As Benjamin opened the door, he was met with the sight of a bodyguard standing just outside. The bodyguard's expression shifted from shock to concern as he saw Benjamin standing there, free of all medical connections.

"Master!" the bodyguard exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the sight of Benjamin out of bed and moving around on his own.

Benjamin swallowed hard and looked around, noticing people passing by in the hospital corridor. He focused his gaze on the bodyguard and said firmly, "Let me out.”

The bodyguard hesitated and then said, "Master, let me call a doctor first. How did you disconnect everything yourself? You shouldn't be out of bed. It's not safe."

Benjamin shook his head, insisting on leaving. "No, I need to go."
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